Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So Maddy's diarrhea returned again last night. I called the vet first thing this morning and made an appointment. They did another stool sample and it was negative again. Her exam also proved nothing. The vet did a full blood profile workup and is currently treating her for bacterial collitis. She is on prescription science diet (big surprise) for 5 days along with an antibiotic, Metronidazole, for 15 days. After 5 days on SD we are supposed to mix her kibble with it for 2 days and then he thinks we will be fine. The results for the blood tests may be back tomorrow but more likely on Monday. Even the vet could see that other than the bad stools she seems fine. He did find it interesting that she has lost the bulk of her baby teeth in the last 2 weeks and noted that she only has 1 baby tooth left in her mouth. He hasn't completely ruled out that all of this is somehow related. She just turned 5 months old on July 27th. Thanks for listening. It's been a crazy couple of weeks!

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Oh dear, poor Maddy and poor you! I really hope that the vet can help you get a handle on this and Maddy gets rid of the diarrhea once & for all!
Thinking of you! I know how frustrating this can be. It just worries you to death! Don't you wish dogs could talk?
Toby just came off 5 days of Royal Canine Medi-cal Gastro, a liquid stomach calmer, and Metronidazole for vomitting. He was babysat while we went to our son's wedding, and the sitter gave him WAY too many dog treats, bones, and peanut butter. He threw up for 4 days, and then off to the vet we went. The vet felt he had some gas build up in his belly, probably nothing more serious, and I must say that I think Toby is fine now. He certainly did love his canned food though. :)
I am sorry for poor Maddy and hope that it is just a severe case of teething.
Sorry to hear you are still having these problems with Maddy. Hope after she is done teething this stops completely for you and no more problems. Best of luck and please update us on how she is....
I am sorry that you and Maddy have not been able to resolve this yet. At least she seems to be happy other than the diarrhea - that's something, I guess!!
Just wanted to say that I've been reading all your posts and I hope Maddy feels better soon! Doodle hugs for both of you!
Hope Maddy starts feeling better and you guys can get past this. You've had a rough time of it lately. Doodle hugs to you both.
THanks for the support has really helped. Well now Maddy hasn't pooped since yesterday morning...and it wasn't much. THankfully she seems to like the science diet food that she has to eat and she is really good about taking her pills...right now she just swallows them...I'll get some cheese or something to keep handy in case she decided she doesn't like taking! I will keep you posted on our progress.
Aw, I'm sorry to hear you haven't gotten everything cleared up with your Maddy yet. I hope you get to the bottom of this soon and Maddy is a happy, healthy dood again. Sending hugs!
The vet called and her blood work is completely what this is we will probably never know. She seems to be doing better..I think...cause she wasn't really behaving any different before. She still "bulk" up a little. I'm thinking that by dinner tonight we should see something (I hope). Hopefully the few days on science diet an the metronidazole will clear things up and we will be back on TOTW by next Thurs.
Thanks again everyone.
I will say a "doodle" prayer for you. Hope she is feeling better soon!



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