Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Crackers (1 year old) is our family's first Labradoodle. We adopted her from a shelter. Crackers was given up by her previous owners who had to move and we get the benefit of it! She is a joyful and loving addition to our home. Crackers has a pal named Pickles who is a 1 year old Scottie/Heeler mix. Her other pals are my four year old son and three year old daughter. We're happy to be a part of the doggy community!

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Crackers is adorable , my kids had a dog years ago that they named Crackers  :) how lucky is Crackers and you that you found each other. I was wondering what the sock was on his paw for ? Hugs from my doodle to yours !

Hi Debbie,

The sock is to cover the bandage we put on her after she cut her paw. It is made to be worn outside to protect the paw from elements, not necessary for injuries. We got them at pet smart for my old dog so she would have traction on the hard wood floor. I like them because they have a sealed bottom, like a waterproof glove, and sweater material for the leg part. They were wonders for my Wheaton before she passed away.

BTW Bea is BEAutiful! I love want a black little labradoodle girl now! Doubt I'll talk my fiancée into that anytime soon!

Welcome to DK! So glad you and Crackers found one another and that you are here on DoodleKisses. Please explore the many groups here. It's fun to learn about all that interests doodle lovers. ;o)

Welcome to DK, and congratulations on adopting Crackers! JD was also adopted from a shelter at a year old. :)


I love JD! His face is adorable! Love those eyes! I am so glad I read your adoption story. It sounds so familiar. Although just today she jumped up and ate my plate of roast of the counter. I also had to keep her doggy door locked for her paw. That shook up her anxiety. We did a short behavior training and hopefully we are nipping it the bud :/ Otherwise, just like yours, perfect angel! Do you find that he is needy?

JD has always been more of a stoic; which can make you feel even sorrier for them than if they act needy, lol. But it all gets better with time. :)

:) they are so smart ~ JD is adorable 

Skeet and I send a big welcome to you all.

Thanks Kelly!

I used to live in Eureka Springs. Only for a couple of years, but the area is beautiful! I love Skeet's name!

Hi Debbie and a very big welcome to Crackers and Crew! Looking forward to lots more pictures!

Hi Stacie, Crackers is adorable!

Crackers is so beautiful!!!



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