Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We got to the breeder's home Saturday evening to meet Polly.  It was so sweet, first the breeder dad wanted to love on Meg and kept asking her if she remembered him even just a  little bit, it was great to watch.  They brought Polly out and the two took right to each other, if Meg didn't pounce at Polly then Polly would growl and pounce at her and off they would go again.  I had been a bit concerned about collar and leash on the way home if she was not used to it, the breeders had a collar on her and she was used to the leash and even could be fastened to a tree and wait patiently (we didn't do that but he taught her that to help her relax with leash)  After they settled a bit we were taken around to meet the siblings that are still there and Meg's ancestors as well.  It was nice.  We picked Polly up at 7 a.m. yesterday and headed home.  You might be asking yourself if it ever dawned on me that Polly had never been in a car before and might be a bit carsick, the answer would be a resounding no but 10 miles of car showed us we should have thought of that.  A quick google search had us headed to a find an open pharmacy for Dramamine.  We underestimated her weight so didn't give her quite enough but it did help and she had great car manners.  BTW we just got back from first vet visit and she did all right both ways so hopefully that was temporary.

They play well together, Polly is not afraid to growl and chase Meg.  If Meg is getting a drink and Polly sticks her head in Meg backs up or they share.  Meg had her antler last night and Polly got tired of sharing the end of it so she took it from Meg there is no aggression from either so far.  Meg doesn't understand why Polly does not have the same energy level but I am guessing she will catch up.

Question for those that know these things, we have their food bowls across the room from each other, obviously they need different foods right now, but I have not been able to keep them at their own bowls long enough to eat yet.  Any pointers would be welcome.

Polly got a clean bill of health from the doctor.  She needs one more Parvo med and we were warned to keep her home until we get that, Parvo is acting up in our area.

Here are some pictures...just a few and I can assure you there will be many more later. Thanks for all the encouragement and well wishes.


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CONGRATULATIONS! A love story is a great way to start of DK Monday. Many Happy years to you all.

How cute are your dogs? I ended up switching both dogs to Fromm 4 star line, which was ok for puppies and adult dogs.

She is so adorable! Congratulations!

Polly is adorable!  As to the feeding situation - Camus is an only doodle, but he does have meals with friends. And, I've found it depends on the dog.  At one friends house we just put the food bowls down a few feet apart and they eat with no problems, but when eating a another friend's house we have to put the dogs in separate rooms or there is a race to get to each others bowls. 

BTW I cannot believe how similar Meg and Camus are!

Wow, you are right, big similarity.  We were recently at my daughters and fed Meg and daughter's dog and no problem after the initial feeding but right now I am leaning toward the separate rooms.  We think part of the problem is that this pup has had food down in front of her all the time and allowed to nibble at will, we just aren't that kind of feeders and it would not work because of Meg.  We are going to try to be patient about slowly changing the pup over to Taste of the Wild Puppy and then at least they will both be on the same type of food but don't want to make the transition so fast that the baby gets digestive or bowel issues.

Judy, don't start changing Polly's food for at least two weeks. No changes in diet at all. 

Yes, that was my understanding and then we thought we would go with 1/4 new and 3/4 old, then half and half, then reverse of the quarters before changing her all the way.  Thanks for all the information on that, you are where I learned not to do it too soon.

They are both adorable and I have doodle envy!  Enjoy and keep those photos coming!

Ahhhh they are so cute together!!! I love that they look alike!  

When we got Ben, Zoe would always try to eat his food since he ate slower.  At meal time I just put a baby gate up inbetween them until they both finished.  We have a galley kitchen so it was easy to separate them but still be in the same room and watch them eat.  It was cute...ben would go and sit next to the gate every time he was hungry because he knew the gate meant meal time LOL.  Now, they eat in the same spots as before just no gate :)

How lovely !!! What beauties you are blessed with.  Thank you for sharing, been waiting for report. 

Yes, I have always used the across the room - me in middle for separate foods, it's an excellent opportunity to introduce the "leave it" command to a pup as well as show the older dog that they don't get free ride off the new kid :) .

My dogs eat on the opposite sides of the sliding glass door in the kitchen.  They each know their bowl and it's location.  They have always had the same location although we sometimes bring Harpo's bowl inside if it is stormy outside.  Usually no problem.  If we have a guest, they eat outside by the tree on the patio.  When Harpo was little, he had puppy chow, but I can hardly remember that.  They eat the same thing now, but Harpo a smaller serving.   They always seem to know if there is a treat in the bowl and then check out each other's bowl to make sure it was the same thing in each bowl.  Dogs can be so funny.

You might want to increase the blocker in the back of your car.  I am saying that because even with our tall blocker, Harpo crewed through the back seat divider and squeezed under while we were in a studio for the open studios in Santa Cruz.  He was so proud of himself sitting in the back seat when we returned to the car.  And the seat belts.  Puppies love seat belts.



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