I am so disappointed, got up this morning to go to the Doodle Romp here in South Florida, got Oliver ready, got in the car, and away we did not go. Our battery was dead!!!!...Well this is not a good thing, my husbands car is a little sports car, so it wouldn't hold me and Oliver. We called for help, figuring it might take about 1/2 hr. Yeah , right, and hour later the repair guy got there, and then he towed my car to the dealership. It didn't cost me anything money wise, but it cost us time wise, by the time it got finished, the doodle romp would be over or close to it, and we have a 30 min. ride at least....I am so disappointed, wanted to see everyone, it has been a long time. So to all our friends that made it to the romp, I hope it was fun, and so sorry we missed it..We will make the next one...Can't wait to see pictures...Oh just got a phone call from one of our best friends, she was at the Delray Art Fair and saw a pair of doodles, went up to the owners and told them that her good friends have a doodle, well it was Barb and Lee Seidman, so she called me right away, small world, doodles make the world a smaller and better place for everyone..So my friends husband took pictures so I could see, of Lexie and Billy, he will e-mal them to me and I will send them to Lee & Barb....