Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

After seeing peoples' posts about their doodles being mistaken for otterhounds, I thought it might be fun to hear what other breeds your doods have been mistaken for...

Noah is a f1b goldendoodle but gets mistaken for a standard poodle puppy, wheaten terrier and cockapoo - I can understand the poodle, but not the other two lol

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Ha, Too Funny! I somehow missed this one and just started a blog on mistaken identity based on my experiences. Adina pointed out that great minds think alike. :p Moose has been mistaken for a PWD, Otterhound, Curly Coated Retriever, Flat Coated Retriever, Italian Spinoni, and (of all things) Irish Wolfhound (puppy). I've stood next to an Irish Wolfhound puppy.....they are HUGE!!!!! Mica has only been mistaken for the retriever breeds. I've been lucky in that many folks are fascinated that they are doodles. If they are interested enough I can often work in info about the breed and sometimes the rescue group. :) Sneaky, huh?
soft wheaten terrier....or goldendoodle which is at least close :) as he is an apricot labradoodle
People ask me all the time if Penny is a Wheaten... especially when she's a bit shaggy! :-)
I was just at a little store called The Snooty Pooch in my home town buying some dog food, and they happen to have a doggie hotel called Chateau La Pooch. When I was paying for my dog food, the dog in the suite closest to me was looking out his window, and I said "Oh my gosh, is that a goldendoodle????"(b/c I've yet to find another one around here) and the owner laughed and said "No, it's a wheaten terrier". He looked just like a doodle!
Gracie Doodle is a standard F1 Goldendoodle. She has been mistaken for a Poodle, Labradoodle, Wheaten Terrier, Portuguese Water Dog, Otterhound and Airdale.

People always ask what Chewie (F1B goldendoodle) is...I don't think we've had anyone guess yet. The most common comment we get is how he looks like a stuffed animal.

I was at Petsmart a couple weeks ago and a lady had two dogs who looked VERY much alike...I asked if they were labradoodles and she said one was and the other was a goldendoodle. It amazes me how much they can look alike.

For Sophie I have gotten "Afghan Hound and Sheep Dog"

For Lucy we have of course heard the "PWD" as well as "Poodle and Sheep and Pony". One day I heard this little girl say "Mommy I could put a saddle on that one and ride it".
We almost always are mistaken for a poodle, even from poodle people. But once we were mistaken for a PWD.



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