Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today was Willow's 4th day at a doggie daycare, and we're getting some mixed feelings about what it does to Willow. We like the place fine (owners are wonderful, and they are experienced trainers), and we thought Willow liked it too, but today, she didn't want to go in to the building, then when she was greeted on entering by the staff, she peed and obviously didn't want to part from us. Willow is submissive, but she is not shy, and it's rare that she pees in fear. We are confused and I wanted to ask help from DKers to understand what went on and also to have some advice what to do in the future.

1. Could this mean that it took Willow for three visits to realize that this is not something she enjoys / that she hates the place?


2. She hasn't been to the daycare for a while (3 months): could it be that Willow had to readjust herself to this place again and got nervous?

The daycare only accepts limited number of dogs per day and has strict reservation policy, and their facility is clean and nice. There's always someone monitoring dogs, and there's no other signs of stress we see in Willow after she comes back. (We know that she's always super thirsty and probably didn't get to the water bowl as often as she'd like because she's submissive.)

What we wish this daycare provides is 1) camera / video and/or 2) reports afterwards. They just say "Willow was fine" when asked. So we don't really know how Willow did on a particular day. (And so far, I wasn't able to find a daycare that provide either of the two in my area. One other place we tried said their camera was out of order - for how long, they didn't say.)

The reason we want to keep taking Willow to this or any daycare is that she craves friends. She often stays aside when there are more than 4-5 dogs ganging up, but she LOVES to romp with a dog or two at a time at the dogpark. Daycare is an alternative for bad weather days. But having said that, I also wonder if daycare is already too big a venue for her - there are always more than a dozen dogs. Once we peeped through their fence and saw Willow sitting in one corner, sort of away from others, and today's accident makes me wonder if Willow really doesn't want "parties" with many dogs. Does this make any sense? What can I do to make Willow's daycare visits more pleasant? (For example, shall I ask one of her friends to go with her?) Or, should I just give up the daycare and try playdates more often with her friends? 

Thank you for your advice!



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This doesn't sound right to me and you are right to be concerned.  Riley goes to daycare once a week and loves going in. He does always leave me a backward glance as he enters but that's it.   They post videos and photo's to Fb throughout the day and always answer my questions when I go to pick him up.  There are lots of great people who love the dogs there and they do training and play with the dogs so it's not just a free for all.   I went to a social hour last Saturday because I wanted to observe how he played.  Riley is not Alpha either and avoids conflict but he loves to play.  I think if he showed reluctance to go in or any fear I wouldn't send him.  Sounds to me as if this is not something Willow is happy with and that of course defeats the purpose. 

I agree.  L&S would not be happy going to Daycare.  I think some dogs just enjoy it and others not so much.  L&S won't even drink out of a community water bowl, so I don't think I could possibly take them.  Just like the dog park, some dogs enjoy it, others not so much.  I personally wouldn't take him if you feel he isn't enjoying it.  Just set up play dates with the dogs you know he enjoys.

I also agree.  My two guys love going to's clear that they can't wait to go in.  Their tails start wagging when we pull into the parking lot.  If they didn't seem to be comfortable there I would not send dates seem like a great alternative for now.  I would give it another try at some point though...she may change and it's worth testing periodically.

I think you have your answer if you reread your post. Trust your instinct. You know Willow better than anyone and she is telling you what she thinks about doggie day care. I wouldn't take her back.

I agree. Something seems a bit amiss.

We don't do daycare..but it would make me upset to leave Chester somewhere that I wasn't confident that he was happy. 

If you had these feelings about your children's daycare would you continue taking them?

I would question how much the owners are paying attention -if willow isn't getting enough or much water in their care. 

Chester is also submissive he backs away if too many dogs...gets a bit overwhelmed..prefers to play one on one and with certain personalities..

I think you should trust your instincts. I think the owners should be more willing to talk about what Willows day is like.

If only they could can be heartbreaking..

I doubt Luna would do well in daycare and it sounds like Willow is a bit like her.

Luna is EXTREMELY submissive and only chooses to play with very few dogs.  If there are 2+ dogs coming towards her, she immediately rolls on her back, and if her bladder is full she will pee on occasion.  If she's scared (beyond the regular submissiveness) she hides at someone's feet.  This wouldn't be possible in a lot of daycares, since they are usually large, open areas.  I'd be worried that Luna would just be cowering in a corner most of the day... or getting defensive and snapping if 4-5 dogs came at her at once.

Luna still gets plenty of social time, though!  She has neighborhood friends she plays with (sometimes indoors), but never more than 2-3 dogs at a time.  She is a TOTALLY different dog with friends she knows.  She greets them by running up and "hugging" them with her front paws, then wrestles and chases like crazy.  I think she seems MUCH happier with this kind of play than playing with a large group of dogs.  

Maybe Willow is more of a cautious dog with her circle of friends like Luna :)

Oh, yes, the "hugging"! It's funny to watch Willow and Molly, the other doodle nearby, when they try to hug each other the whole 15 min.!  

I almost think that Willow takes after me and my husband when it comes to socializing. We are not party goers, but we love hanging out with close friends, like she does. We're not much huggers and kissers, though. :)


My larger (younger) doodle Stuart is a social butterfly - he'd glad run straight into any group of dogs - but Rooney the smaller (older) doodle takes a while to warm up and can be cautious.  When we left their occasional daycare if FL for the summer - once in Michigan I had to search out a new one for those days when I needed some time to do other things or if the weather was bad, they'd have a place to play. 

Each place we tried (1 as far away as South Bend, IN) was very different in their practices.  All claimed to have constant supervision - however at one place I saw an entire building full of dogs with no one right there, this same place WANTED the dogs to potty inside - not something I agree with although the place was spotless and odor free.  The boys went twice for a couple of hours and the 2nd time the lady started to just drag Rooney by the leash when he didn't want to go in - they were just shoved in without a chance to greet through a fence or anything.  Rooney's actions WERE TELLING ME - that he didn't want to go in there.

The place in South Bend was a camp and the dogs got filthy outside in the dirt and pools but they did bath them before pickup time - all included.  We went once but it was too far away and I wasn't a fan of my dogs having someone I didn't know bathing them.

I finally found a place that we all love, only problem is the cost - $20.00 per dog for a full day X 2 dogs is $40.00 YIKES.  So they can't go often but as the dogs enter the building - the other dogs can meet and greet through a fence - this was they aren't as much ganged up on when they finally enter the main part.  For Rooney this is a must - it gives him a chance to get comfortable.  The 2 owners are right their in with the dogs all day.  Their office is even along the wall so that they never have to leave.  They have a nice outside area for play, water is available all day.  And if a dog seems to be too pushy or misbehave - they have spray water bottles and give the naughty dog a little spray.  They boys had to go for a "trial" day to see if they were dogs that could get along with others.

Long story here but I wanted you to know that some dogs don't care for daycare - but perhaps you just aren't at the RIGHT daycare for Willow.  Stuart would do well at any daycare but Rooney is very different - I would keep looking.  Find one where Willow could spend the first 5 minutes meeting and greeting through the fence - this will give her some confidence!!!  Good luck and let us know what you decide! 

Wow, I've been paying $32 a day for each of my two guys for Daycare.  I assumed this was just the "going rate".  I love where they go, but now I'm starting to wonder if there aren't less expensive (but still good) options out there.  I'm going to look around after hearing this, Jane.

$32 a day for EACH?  Holy Doodle!!!!  The place in Florida has packages that I buy and it gets the cost down to $15.00 per dog for a day so only $30.00 for both.  WHERE do you live?

CT....$15 is amazing.

Wow. $32 is really high. It's about $25 here, and all offer discounts for multi-day package.



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