First time for Bo to come in my bed this morning. He wasn't sure but made himself right at home as you can see. It was so great snuggling with him albeit a short time 'cause I had to get my sorry butt up and ready for church.
Jen, I've got one of those REALLY high beds so Mr. Bo is going to have to be hoisted up in order to get in my bed. Of course when he's more grown up and taller, who knows? I hope I haven't created a monster......
I have one of those high beds too, Connie. Lach's six months now ... and every morning we have to have the conversation entitled "No, You Can't Just Stay On the Bed All Day, Mister". *grin*
So cute! Rooney started sleeping on my bed after a month. He has never left nor would I want him too. We have our quiet snuggle time every morning and we sign the "good morning to my puppy, good morning to my doodle" song. Enjoy.
I love the image of you signing the good morning puppy song. I have to confess, I loved having Bo in bed this morning. I've got this huge king size bed and there's one whole side that's 'open'. Who knows, maybe Bo will be the lucky recipient of keeping that side warm!
Coco likes to get in my bed! She gets in the bed and lays with me but is gone before I fall asleep! She sleeps on the floor and once in a blue moon sleeps in the bed.
Oliver comes up for some loving and belly rubs and hugging, but then he gets down and goes into his crate all by himself, sometimes I wish he would stay with us, but DH is not at all sorry about that, he is big, (71 lbs) and he would take up too much room on the bed when he sprawls out, I take what I can get, but we snuggle other times during the day, lol...
Our girls get snuggle time at night. After their bedtime potty I tell them "let's go snuggle" and they run to our room. Lucy usually jumps on the bed and Sophie chooses her bed on the floor. After about 30 mins DH says it's bedtime and they run to their room and wait for their treats!