Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

How nice of Charlotte to provide moral support to her big doodle brother as he rests after Tuesday's minor surgical procedure. The veterinary dermatologist from Tufts called this morning to say that the small mass on Wally's leg was benign. Whoo-hoo! 


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Absolutely! We are SO lucky.

I'm hoping that we will be able to get together over Thanksgiving week this year. Are you going to be local?

Yes!  Let's try. That would be fun.

How cute that they lay like this.  Glad to hear that the biopsy came back negative.  Came back fairly quick as well.  Our last ones took 10 long days.    The sock really is cute.  

I know . . . the doctor removed the mass on Tuesday afternoon and called on Friday morning with the results. I was really grateful not to have had to wait until after the weekend. Ten days would have been like torture. Though, in Wally's case, the vet did not believe that we were dealing with a malignancy. 

Glad the news is good, both dogs look tuckered out.

That is such good news, and this picture is adorable.

Thank you for the wonderful news about Charlotte and letting us know that Wally is keeping up his reputation for being a sweetie pie.

Great news! Healing Hugs for Wally and a big hug for Charlotte too, because she is such a sweet sister!

As instructed by the vet, I removed the bandages this afternoon, but decided to keep the sock on. Wally is still interested in reaching the healing area on his leg, but he doesn't even try to bother at it when it's covered. So, until the stitches come out on Friday, the striped leg remains. Maybe I should put one on Charlotte, too, and take another picture!

It's a good look :)  Glad to hear he's healing.

What a cute photo, and the best news I have heard all day...Hope he is up and around and being his cute self very soon...Whoo Hoo, such great news...

Kudos to Charlotte for being such a good sister, as it appears she leaves her brother's sock alone.  I've had one on Ellie the last two days for a torn paw pad she kept bothering (nothing cute like Wally's sock!)  Ellie doesn't bother the sock.  However, Beasley's new favorite thing to do is pull the sock off Ellie's foot and run through the house with it.  As soon as I notice Beasley isn't near me (perpetually underfoot), I look at Ellie - and sure enough, no sock!  At least she knows "drop it."  Such a stinkerdoodle!!



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