Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Has anyone ever had an idiot for a neighbor? I have one that has put up cardboard on her chain link fence to keep Cooper for peeing in her yard. Then she puts down moth balls three inches next to the fence line. Now I have to worry about Cooper getting one in his mouth. I am getting a 6 foot fence installed next to her chain link fence but for the next two days I will be a basket case worrying about what she will do next.
how sad!!!! at least he's not throwing rocks. My inlaws have a really large yard and little kids throw rocks at the dogs when they walk by :(
Lucky, I don't have Mrs. Cravets next door - but how funny you say that - I call my puppy Sophie Mrs. Cravets because she is so nosey. She is always looking over into the neighbor's yard and sits and the front window every evening watching people walk by on the sidewalk. So, for us - Mrs Cravets is a funny nickname!
I'm sorry you have this strange neighbor! That is annoying and unnecessary. At least you will be installing your own fence and won't have to see her for much longer!!!!!
This neighbor does sound like a real pill, but the mothballs may not have anything to do with Cooper. People use them to keep rabbits out of their gardens. I did that many years ago.
I would like to think that is it but she doesn't have anything growing there as a matter a fact she only grows irises and they are 60 feet down the side of the property line. I have already put up a stockade fence there to. She is just a hateful old lady. She was in my yard last summer with a ladder picking peaches off of her tree that hangs over in my yard, what if we had let Cooper out and he knocked her off he ladder? She's already messed up, her elevator doesn't go to the top floor. She knows how we felt about the peach tree hanging over in the yard so what does she do? She plants another one next to the fence so it will hang over. Just not happy unless she is causing trouble.
I don't know about where you live but if her tree was hanging over my property line? Guess what.......yup, whack it off! Of course this would just encourage her to retaliate but hey, I'm a creative thinker and not so nice person so come on, Mrs. Cravets BRING IT ON!
Good luck and so glad you are getting a fence. I'm guessing a privacy fence so she doesn't have to see you anymore? Because really, it's all about her.
Oh Marnie, we sooooo think the same ! It's scary to think what you and I could do if we were together and working on a "situation" ! Bahahahahaha !!!
In California, if a fruit bearing tree hangs into a neighbors yard the fruit belongs to the neighbor. People are not allowed to trespass! I think you should tell her she is not allowed in your yard for any reason.
I did that I told her to stay out of the yard and that I had her on video in my yard. She said she would come over and pick up the peaches I told her to stay out of my yard and I would pick up her peaches and through them back over in her yard. She and her husband went out of town yesterday morning and have not returned, Cooper was restless all night last night and this morning he was throwing up. I had better not find out that she slipped him something. If I do all Hell with loose.
Hopefully your fence will keep her out. If you will have a gate then it would be a good idea to have a lock installed. If it were me I would file an official complaint.
I totally understand what you are going through because I have had "neighbors from hell" for 7 years! They complain to the HOA about everything I do, but mostly about my feeding the birds. He even came onto my deck and took down my birdfeeders down and took one that was a present from a friend. Two months before I got Chloe he stood up at the HOA meeting and said he would use poison if they didn't get me to stop feeding the birds. That month I found two dead possum in my yard and a dead squirrel. Sadly I have never felt confident enough to allow Chloe in the yard unsupervised. I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to my baby!
Really? For feeding the birds??? Are you not permitted in your neighborhood to feed the birds? If he threatened the use of poison in front of a crowd of people, does that not give you the proper support for a restraining order against him? That is a threat/harrassement along witih the crime of theft. GIT 'EM GIRL!
I wrote a 2 page letter to the board documenting every complaint the neighbors had ever made about me or to me. I threatened to sue both the board and the neighbors for harassment if the board continued to enable them. Plus said I would contact the police and press charges if I ever found them on my property again. I also did some research into the laws concerning wildlife and feeding birds and pointed those out to them. There has been no formal complaints for almost 2 years! Just one month ago someone told me she was complaining about a broken sprinkler(which I fixed) at her bunco group. Her husband died the next day....
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