Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Dee & Chloe Sep 19, 2013. 32 Replies 3 Favorites
I ordered two bandanas for Chloe. I chose the color and let Christina choose the color thread. The fabric is sturdy and they are really well made! I love them and Chloe doesn't even mind wearing…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Dee & Chloe Mar 23, 2013. 2 Replies 0 Favorites
I am technologically challenged to say the least. I tried to post my first blog earlier in honor of Chloe's birthday and it says "waiting for approval" It's been over an hour. Is this normal? Should…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter Nov 25, 2012. 41 Replies 0 Favorites
Chloe was attacked at the dog park two days ago. She sustained several puncture wounds and is on antibiotics but no stitches needed. This is the third or 4th time she has been attacked while just…Continue
Dee & Chloe has not received any gifts yet
Posted on March 23, 2014 at 5:00pm 29 Comments 0 Favorites
My mom tells me I'm growing up fast and becoming an awesome doodle. Now don't get me wrong, I still have lots to learn and issues we are continuing to work on. I do know how to sit, lie down, stay, shake, dance, catch balls and fetch I also know how to wait, come, drop it, leave it, and come(most…
ContinuePosted on March 23, 2013 at 11:41am 16 Comments 2 Favorites
My sweet Chloe turned two today and started the day with her favorite game, shredding up a plastic bag and then attacking mommy as she was on the floor picking it up. Yes, she still gets into mischief, but I'll take shredding plastic or newspapers any day over chewing on eyeglasses, couches, carpeting and rugs. She has come a long way in two years and taught me a lot along the way. She completed 3 obedience classes and 2 low impact agility classes. She learned some important words and now…
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Another invite! Hope you can come up this way for our Art Share on March 28. It was so much fun last year. Several local artists bring a couple of samples of their work and talk about it with other artists. We are right off of Hwy. 101.
There you are. It's been a while, but hope we can get in contact again. I love where you were headed with your art.
Great pictures, Dee. Your new camera is perfect!
I have done it before (Hangout) but could not remember what to do. Linda gave me the address for the hangout plugin so I will get it on my new computer and look forward to joining the next hangout. I am also real busy with my mother right now and we were running errands yesterday and I did not get home until 4:30. Linda had called, but it was too confusing for me. Now I think I have it!
That's right! I forgot you lived so close. Hey, how about coming up for the Poodle Day at Carmel? It is on October 5th. They have a parade for poodles and poodle mixes and they are all dressed up. Then there is a play day at the beach. We go for the play day, but the parade is great to watch (and a great photo opportunity).
Dee, Tuesday July 2nd at 10:00am works great for Nancy and I! Nancy just posted a discussion for anyone else in the area to join us. If you know of anybody you would like to invite, please feel free :) I am going to send you our cell phones in a private message. Can't wait to meet you and Chloe!!!!
Hi Dee, Yes, at the last minute one of the ladies in the class said she wanted to enter her painting but that we had to too if she was, so she basically got us all to enter, I am entering a watercolor since I did not have a pastel to enter, Evie is entering a Watercolor and Pastel and she got soooooo excited, it was very cute! Maybe we will run into each other at the reception, I will look for you!!!!!
The second would work for all of us! 9:00 or 10:00am would be perfect. Just let us know when you will be at the park ane we will meet you there.. Can't wait Dee :)
Nice! I'm soooo excited for you!!! I think you'll really enjoy using a tablet. It takes just a minute to get used to it, but once you do you'll love it! (I can't imagine doing photo editing or digital painting without it.)
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