Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Archie has had loose stool for the past 24 hours and although this happens every now and then (sensitive stomach) today it was most odd as he pooped out what looked like egg yolks/eggwhites completey yellowish in color (sorry for the image!) HAHA :) Usually this just passes and theres no need for a Vet visit, but just wondering if anyone else ever deals with this or what this may be a sign of?



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Are you absolutely certain that he didn't eat anything he shouldn't have? No new foods or treats? 

I noticed you posted a photo of a frosted cupcake in Archie's bowl. Did he eat that, and if so, when? 

LOL oh no...that was from his birthday back in February! He loved that at the time...didn't effect his bowel. :)

The only thing I can think is potentially at Doggie Daycare he may either eat something bad or get sick from sharing bowl with other dogs.  I mean I don't think anything bad is happening but I am also not supervising him at these times...

As to what it could be a sign of, it could be a sign of parasites, bacterial infection or overgrowth, liver disease, or even EPI, which is why you will need to talk to your vet and bring in a stool specimen if it continues.  

The reason why I haven't been over concerned  is because he tends to get this every now and then and it lasts like 24 hours maybe 36 and then he's good to go....Its just odd. I mean I have pretty much gone with the fact that he has an upset stomach at this point.

Mucous usually is a sign of an irritated bowel, which can be caused by many things. Hopefully, it will settle.

Archie is doing better now.  I was thinking maybe he needs his anal gland expressed? But not sure that would make any difference....He has never had that done to my knowledge at least.

If he had an anal gland problem he most likely would have other symptoms, like scooting on his butt and a horrible odor.  And it wouldn't be a once a month thing.  Been there, done that!

My Oliver and Sasha get that every once in a while but it always  passes.  If it persists more than a day I would see the vet.  Usually my doodles would have one poop with the mucus and then it clears up.

Mine both have occasional mucousy poops. Very occasionally, like once a year maybe. I become hyper diligent then for the next few days to see if it continues and send in a stool sample if it does, but it usually passes with just one stool having mucous. So frequency is the key to it being a symptom of something more serious.

yeah, he gets it more like once a month...maybe every other.  Its usually a 24-36 hour thing and then it goes away...



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