Jackdoodle has torn his paw pads severely enough to require an emergency vet visit three times now, always after a visit to the dog park and a lot of hard retrieving. In desperation, I finally bought him some boots. Although there are a lot of less expensive boots available on-line, it is really hard to figure out what they look like & what size to order; I mean, try getting a dog to stand on a tape measure with his heel exactly on the edge! I wanted to see them and try them on. Petsmart carries the Muttluk line, so I decided to take JD shoe-shopping. I'm glad I did, because although you would think an 80 lb dog would need a large, he ended up being a medium. One key to keeping the boots on is getting a good snug fit.
As you can see above, we tried them out at the romp Saturday, and they worked fine. Stayed on his feet through a lot of hard running, and protected his pads. One came off his hind foot, but a lady who also uses them advised me to tighten the velcro strap really tight...I was afraid of cutting off his circulation, but it worked great and didn't seem to bother JD at all. The only thing that bothered me (besides the fact that he looked silly and made people laugh) was the "clopping" sound the boots made when he ran. Jackdoodle was too focused on his tennis ball to notice.
I have been told that Muttluks, which is in Canada, has great customer service and will refund your money/ replace your boots if you have a problem. The website and the package info include a toll-free number. Jack's are the year-round "all-weather" version, but they also make a snow & ice fleece lined boot, too. I have already run Jack's boots through the washer & dryer and they look fine.
Muttluks are known as the "Mercedes Benz of dog boots" for a reason...these cost 45.00 plus tax. But I have to date spent about $650.00 on emergency vet bills for torn pads, so if they work, they're worth it. I would recommend these to anyone who has a dog that needs foot protection on rough terrain, or who has sensitive pads.