Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We l actually I have two. I just noticed as I typed this that spell check does not work on titles. No wonder with my typing I have to go back to edit discussion titles at times, never mind about the rest of it.

But my main annoyance. I wish there was a better way for replies to connect to the comment to which the reply is made. It's easy when there's just one reply or a few, on the same page as the original comment. But sometimes there are many replies and they are on two pages or more. I start following and measuring mentally the indentations and go back and forth. And a reply may be totally misunderstood if people think it refers to something other than intended. Sometimes we even run out of the ability to reply directly and we have to backtrack to find a way to do so.

I wonder if there is a better, easier way to reply and connect to the specific thing to which you are responding. I suppose we will be told Ning does not allow for this. I often wish I could do computer programming. Well, my real, formerly secret, ambition is to be a benign computer hacker. But this seems to be an unobtainable goal for someone totally lacking in computer skills : ( 

Any ideas? Maybe Laurie's and others methods of @s would help but sometimes before we reply the first original poster has replied to the thread. Confusion.


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That's a great idea Sherri.  Hide the sub comments with an option to click to open them up.  That would certainly help from an appearance standpoint....I just worry a little about things potentially being missed because people forget to click. 

That happens to me sometimes with mail. I get mail from DK with a number of replies, to a given discussion, from one sender and I sometimes delete it before I realize there were "hidden" messages too.

Now that sounds interesting.

I too am only getting about 1/5 email notifications and no notifications for discussions started in groups that I belong to.

Look out, I just got 2 notifications from posts made in discussions yesterday that I had already seen. It's all whacked out again.

Yup. I got some old ones and a batch of new notices. WTD?

Me too (let's see where this reply ends up!)

Benign computer hacker... F you are the best!

Thanks Camilla but truly I'd love it. I'd just look around etc.

Good point F, especially confusing for new members

I'm even getting lost in this conversation.  It has come down to, if you are not there when it is going down, you are not going to understand the conversation.

Many times, I leave for 12 hours and I have no idea who has a new dog and often I don't know what dog pooped where anymore.

I believe it is a ploy to keep us here-ADDICTED.  A evil plan.

So often I have felt this way, I become concerned, with my age, I am loosing my ability to concentrate or follow simple reading. I'm afraid.........................

Do not be afraid. It is often not simple following around here.



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