Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My mom is sick and has bronchitis she went to the doctor Friday finally she coughs all the time Bentley and me said we cant get any sleep mom.....bark bark bark......So it wasnt pheumonia just yucky bronchitis.....Bentley's poop is getting somewhat better but my mom is at her wits end about what food will argee with my foster brother's tummy mom said guys I cant afford to feed you boiled beef and rice everynite....Please does anyone have anything to tell me so I can let my mommy no?????? She is so sick but still gets up and plays with us and she said tomorrow we are going to Petsmart to look for some new food.....Oh please help..............By the way I like my food.............



Thanks DK,

Princess Isabella



P.S Bentley drinks all the time he is so thirsty is this normal????

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We are sorry your mom is sick. It is too bad that her barking is keeping you from your beauty rest but she is such a good mama that you will have to make allowances. Some doggies drink lots of water. Our brother Gordie drinks lots and lots of water and so does our cousin, LaRoi. Our mama gives us a bit of yogurt when our tummies are upset. (She can't ever find the canned pumpkin.)
Ned and Clancy
My mom finally found canned pumpkin and we like it but Bentley's stools are still loose. Dr said Bentley's test were negative so mom thinks she needs to find some new dry food.....What do you think??????
Hey, Bella, you and Bentley almost look like salt and pepper together!! I'm sorry to hear your mom is sick. That is never good because mommies have lots to do and don't have time to be sick. At least that is what my mommy told me, so it must be true!! Maybe a food for sensitive tummies or a grain free food would make Bentley happy. Sometimes it takes a while to find a food that is "just right". You might suggest to your mom that she find a shelter that takes open bag donations!!! Good luck shoppin'!! Your friend, Tara P.S. I once had a friend who drank tons of water her whole life and she had diarrhea sometimes too. Maybe he's drinkin' cause he is losing fluid in the loose poops?
Isabella..... My mom had to try several foods before I became the perfect pooper! I now eat Fromm Puppy Gold... and I love it. It is yummy - made in the USA - smells good and my tummy likes it too! Hope you find some food that works soon....
Princess Isabella....We're really sorry your Mom is so sick (and barking). Has she joined the Food Group...because that's where she'll learn a lot about the best foods for Bentley.
Oh, Princess Isabella... I hope your mom feels better soon......
I use cheap tube of ground turkey and rice for my old chowchow, who cannot eat much of kibbles any more....
I think it is much cheaper than ground beef. ( It helped firm up his poop.) or whitting fish and white potatoes.....

What do you think of Wellness's "Simple Solution" line? I think it is made for the dogs with sensitive stomach. They will send you some sample if you ask for it.
Is this something you cook and just mix with there food daily? Too help make the food last longer boy I need some advice how to make my money stretch with Mr. Bentley he eats like a horse probaly from being in a shelter and not knowing when he will eat again he would eat 24/7 if I let him.....
No, it's a premium dog food.
Karen I am confused?
I guess I am, too. I was talking about the Wellness Simple Solutions line that Kyoko mentioned above.
Dear Princess Isabella,
My Mom had that barking thing all night once too. Since I get very alarmed every time she sneezes or coughs, I didn't get any sleep either! Console yourself that it is probably a short term thing, and that she will be back to her healthy self again soon. Regarding Bentley: when my tummy is upset Mommy gives me boiled chicken and rice, and if I really have the loose poopers, then she gives me a squirt of Immodium (just like an ounce or so, cuz I am small....the vet told her the dosage), and that works like a charm!
Regards from BeauBeau
Dearest Bella, how is your barking mom doing today? Did you make it to the pet store for new food for Bentley? How about an update?



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