Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So I was reading earlier about a sweet doodle sharing its bones with its owner and thought... Awww how sweet. Then I remembered what has been oddly occuring this week. Joplin has come pounding into my lap, burying her nose into me (which is what we do when we want love and snuggles) about 3 different times this week with something she knows she's not supposed to have. More specifically, 1) A ranch mix packet 2) A sock 3) A tissue. I'm trying to make sense out of this. Is she trying to make me laugh, is she trying to show me how naughty she is, or wanting to hear a stern NO for attention? Not sure! So cute/funny/strangeeee! :)

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That is funny! And Tara does almost the SAME thing! When she has something she is not supposed to have she will come to me and start tunneling under my knees and rubbing on my legs. Normally she has something really tiny that she has found on the floor, but still something she knows she shouldn't have. I will ask her what she has and she will start wagging her tail and getting all excited. Sometimes she will spit it out or fall in the floor with her mouth open so I can look into it. Sometimes I have to search her mouth for it though! Usually I give her something in trade-a toy or treat or something and tell her how good she it. I hope that will keep her bringing things like that to me in the future!! It is so cute though!!
Bernie used to do this too! Usually with him it was a shoe, but he liked the occasional sock too. Yet he never actually chewed on one or ran off into another room to destroy it! I decided he was just doing it for the attention, not because he was frustrated, bored or angry with us (hence the lack of destruction).

I think when he was doing it he just wasn't convinced yet that his punishments or our corrections were severe enough to warrant stopping.

But instead of freaking out and risking turning his wanting our attention into a bad thing, I just ignored him when he came running to me with a shoe. I'd go do something else in another room and he'd quickly leave the shoe to follow me. It wasn't the shoe he wanted, it was me. Eventually (I like to think) he figured out sitting like a good boy and being calm and cute gets him a lot more attention!

You may try the getting up and ignoring tactic. I know it's a pain when you're finally relaxing for the night on the couch, but it really worked well for Bern =)
I think she's giving you a gift! Look this is a people thing I found for you :-)
You make me think I'm too cynical Adina! =)
LOL...I'm usually the cynical one, but I figure as long as she isn't running away or sneaking it, might as well believe it's a present =)
That's the idea I want to believe. Seems to go right along with her darling character ;)
When Darwin has something he shouldn't (usually a piece of paper towel or tissue) I can always tell. He lays down near us, but watches us out of the corner of his eye. He will chew for a minute, then freeze and watch us. His behavior is so obvious, it's hilarious. He would be very bad at poker... :-)
I love when they look up through their eyelashes!
Sedona does pretty much the same thing. She'll literally prance into the room, forbidden object in her mouth. She keeps checking to see if we're watching. Sometimes if we ignore her, she'll disappear and come back with a bigger or more forbidden object. It's her way of saying, "Pay attention to me! How can you ignore how cute I'm being?" Gotta love her!!!!
It's different with each of my boys. Guinness will get the "forbidden object" and hide with it (under the bed usually). Murphy will always tattle on him though by standing right by the bed and barking. Murph doesn't even try to hide's all right out in the open (and he's just waiting to get caught). I also like to think Joplin is bringing you a present.
Fudge does this too with acorns and sticks. She likes the attention she gets when I react. It is hard not to laugh.
Sasha's "forbidden object" is paper towels...
Since she always likes to be by our know "Something Is Up"...whenever she goes behind the kitchen table and lays's kind of like Murphy...when he hides under the bed...
You can be sure she has a "forbidden something" when she's behind the kitchen table (smile)



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