Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I posted a photo today for the slideshow (my first!) and it appears distorted. It was portrait oriented (up and down) and it looks too wide. Can someone help me? I appreciate it. Thank you!

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I think it looks like a DoodleKisses issue, because many of them seem distorted to me. 

I wondered too - are the portrait ones stretched.  I thought the slide show photo were supposed to be in landscape (wider than taller).  You are right Laurie - I noticed it too.

Where is the photo? Can you post it  here?  It would help with suggestions that are needed. At this point, I see nothing so I cant help 

It is not always a DK issue but a browser issue. Some images need resized for FB, Google, etc.  The internet only sees so many colors, and sizes, which means, you might have to compress your image before posting. What looks good at home or on your phone, as many know, look horrible posted to the web.   That said, if you do it before you post, it helps. 

For simple resizing, I heard that Picasa will resize  your images before you post. 

I went to your page.  I am going to assume, the image is a cell phone pic, correct?

There are apps for your phone, that will resize the image for posting to the web

Thank you for finding the pic.  I didn't know how to post it here.  Yes, it from a cell phone.  Now that I understand I have to resize it before posting, I will look into that.  Thanks for your patience as I learn!

I took the image from your page and resized the image for google at 1800px -portrait.

Let's see if it looks better 

Cute cute puppy

Yes, that looks much better! Thank you! And Jaxson says thanks for calling him cute! (I think he is too!)
What did you use to resize it?

VERY CUTE PUPPY! Love the color! And so does my Mattie!

Thank you! Mattie is a cutie too!



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