Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello Everyone.
I'm looking for as much information or to get in contact with anyone who's dog may have had a similar diagnosis to mine. My 2 year old girl has developed a tumour in her nerve on the right side of her head and unfortunately it's to close to her brain to be able to operate and they have only given her 6 months to live. We want to give her the best life we can in the short time we have. So any information or advice from anyone who has been through a similar experience or anyone who's dog has had the same diagnosis would be greatly appreciated.

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Carrie-Anne ~ so saddened by your post and knowing how distraught you must feel. This is the first I have heard of this kind of tumor.  I hope someone here is able to give you some feedback concerning this condition.  Hopefully your days ahead with be filled with sweet memories and I hope and pray she will have no pain with this condition. Will be watching for updates. So sorry.

I am so sorry to hear about this diagnosis.  I too have never heard of this type of tumor so I'm not sure there will be anyone here to help.  I tried doing a search to see if I could get anything to come up and came up with nothing.  I know the gut wrenching feeling of the Big "C" diagnosis, so my heart goes out to you.  There are many of us here who have been through the cancer journey so if you have problems as you go through this please don't hesitate to post and possibly someone might have some ideas to help.  Hugs to you both.

I, like the others have no information to share, but I offer support and good wishes for your baby girl.
So very sorry for your heartbreaking diagnosis. C just stinks.

Carrie-Anne I'm so sorry! My heart sunk reading this. My Yellow Lab had an inoperable tumor so I know that feeling of just wanting to find or do something that helps your furbaby. You are in the UK so I'm not sure these are available, but you might want to ask your vet about Immune Modulators.  In my Labrador it slowed the growth of the tumor and even shrunk it a bit for awhile. They were not even sure it would have any effect on his kind of rare tumor, especially since none of it could be removed before treatment, but I wanted to give it a shot and I'm glad I did.  He ended up with three more good years before he started declining. I can't remember the name of the drug off the top of my head, but I could easily find out. I'd just ask the vet about Immune Modulators and they should know what is available in the UK. It's worth a shot anyway. I did the Immune Modulator which was one pill a day and I combined it with fish oil capsules (five a day, he was a 109 lb dog). My vet sort of shook his head at that one but hey, I had nothing to loose & my vet gave me his blessing to try it. Sending hugs and prayers!  

Thank you for your message..I will look into this. Much appreciated xxx

It is so hard to hear this about a beloved dog, I know.  Just enjoy every day that you have with your darling dog.

You don't know, maybe it will grow very slowly or resolve itself, stranger things have happened.  Since there is nothing you can do just enjoy her every day.

First, I am truly saddened by your story and I offer hugs from Colorado from my family to yours. 

I have worked in the Veterinarian field for over 10 years now. I saw someone mention a second opinion. I would highly suggest to also get a second opinion. We had this case that sounded like yours. We sent them to a specialist and they were able to treat the 4 year old dog within weeks of their opinion. He ended up living through the surgery to remove the tumor and comes in yearly for routine visits. He is 7 now. :) I don't want to give you false hope but I wanted to share that story with you and suggest the second opinion. 

You're in my thoughts. 

Thank you so much for your message. We will maybe look into getting a 2nd opinion. It's hard as you don't want to doubt the vets decision but it's good to know that maybe the odds aren't against us and maybe more can be done. Thank you xxx
So sorry to hear of this diagnosis, such a young girl to be so sick.
Sorry to hear your news about your doodle. My friends Jack Russell developed a large tumour behind his eye that was actualy pushing his eye forward out of the socket. The only way to test it was to remove the eye. Luckily for them the tumour, although large, was benign. He has adapted really well to only having one eye, and even recently qualified for agility nationals!! So, I guess my point is that it would be worth seeking a second opinion, especially from a neurosurgeon, about her case. As you say, if nothing can be done then you want to keep her comfortable and happy for her last few months, and a specialist could help with his too.
I was going to suggest that you try to get a referral to the Royal Vet College (London) or to the vet school in Liverpool (can't remember the name off the top of my head) for a specialist opinion, but then I checked to see where you live - might be a long way for you to go!! Maybe Edinburgh? They also have a really good vet school, not sure what other options there are in Scotland though.



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