Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

New adoptee Bella - my sister's new doodle and Finnegan's new cousin!

Finnegan has a new cousin, Bella, adopted by my sister today.  Thanks once again to the amazing people at DRC (Jacquie & Lynne - you are the best!).  The two doodles are having a great time and will be spending most weekends together.   Bella is the most gentle, mellow, inquisitive and cute doodle ever (except for Finnegan).  Pics below!


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Great News and pics, Helen. And congratulations Bella on your new forever home. It's amazing what can happen when everyone works together.
What wonderful news! It will be like having two of your own Doodles!! DoodleKisses to Bella and Finnegan!!
Who Hoo amother doodle haas founda forever home....Welcome Bella, and I am sure that Finn and she will best of friends...Great pictures...
Wow...sisters with doodles. It doesn't get any better than that!! Love her name "Bella" just rolls off the tonque.
A great new "forever home" with a Doodle cousin.....I'm so happy for Bella! The DRC is THE BEST!
That's so nice! That's my dream to rescue a Doodle! Good luck and I'm so happy
that Bella has found love at last!!
Congratulations to all. Bella sounds like a wonderful addition to your family and I am sure Finnegan is happy.
I saw Bella on the site for adoption. Great! I'm glad Bella has a nice, new and loving home!!! yeah DRC!
Beautiful dood!!! Congratulations!!!!



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