Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone! We have a 6-month-old Labradoodle named Lucy. She's won our hearts and we've only had her a couple months!

We were told by the breeder that she would definitely be low to non-shedding and at first her fleecy soft coat didn't shed. About a month ago she started shedding and has begun shedding progressively more! The fleecy hair is being replaced by more wirey hair and the chocolate colour is getting more white mixed in as well. We've never had a shedding dog and don't know whether she's simply shedding her puppy coat to make room for her adult one or if this will be an ongoing issue. I don't see many other labradoodles that look very similar to our Lucy and can't seem to find much help online. Anyone have any similar experiences?? Your help is much appreciated! :)

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I have 2 young F1 goldendoodles, our breeder said they might shed a little, so far both shed, one more than the other but
I suspect I will forever be vacuuming up the daily hair balls! Might be worse right now, they are both going thru a coat change so I'm still hoping it slows down a bit.

She is so cute! She has those eyes that give those heart melting looks! 

I am not sure why any breeder would promise a non-shedding coat--and an F1 breeder should NEVER promise that--no wonder you are surprised by the shedding...yes, she will be losing her puppy coat and her adult coat will take at least another year to settle in--but you will probably still get shedding--even my multigens shed a bit. My F1 though has  shedding seasons--spring and fall--when more of her coat comes out and then it settles down--much like a lab. I am sure your cute little pup will not shed as much as a lab but she will shed--thank goodness you already love her so much!! :) 

Lucy is very cute! 

As for the shedding, you've gotten excellent advice and experience with the shedding. I too own multiple doodles one of which does not shed and one which sheds a little. Every dog is different! 

Thanks so much, Everyone for your input and advice! I'm so happy to have found a community of fellow dog/doodle lovers and find it SO helpful to hear about your experiences. It's a good thing Lucy is so stinken cute!! It helps deal with the hair everywhere. By the way, I gave her a good brushing yesterday and there was only puppy hair in the brush, no adult hair whatsoever! I found that somewhat encouraging but I guess time will tell...thanks again! :)

I am also just down the highway from you in Sarnia :)

Lucy is absolutely adorable, those eyes, how can you resist. 



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