Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Im getting my 8 wk mini goldendoodlez this weekend!
I have several questions please.
1. I'm getting last choice on males. I've met the pups and they all seem great. Are there any problems with a black coat?
2.I have purchased several small fleece blankets, should I take them to the breeder for a scent or get a dog bed as seen at Target or , Petco etc?
3. Should I begin with a strict defined schedule for feeding sleep exercise etc?
4. My breeder wants me to use Purina puppy chow. Thoughts?
5. My obedience trainer recommends beginnning obedience training soon. The pup will be 8 was old when I get it.
6. How do I find tutorial on clicker method? I'm not familiar with it?
7. Any other suggestions?

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1) I don't think there are any problems with a black Doodles are beautiful.

2) I would take a blanket and ask the breeder to put it with the mother to get the scent.  I think that's always a good idea.  I assume you will be crate training and the blanket can go into the crate.

3) I would absolutely have a schedule for feeding and potty training.  The pup will sleep quite a bit at first.

4) You will have to transition your puppy from the Purina puppy chow, but for the first few weeks you won't want to change the food.  Please check the Food Group here on DK for recommendations.

5) I personally think it's always a good idea to start training when they're that stage it's actually more about YOU learning.

6) Just google "clicker training" or "positive reinforcement training" or even "puppy training".  There are lots of YouTube videos available.  I can also recommend the Doggy Dan Training program which has been discussed here on DK.  There is lots of great information about housebreaking and early's well worth the small monthly fee.

7) My only other suggestion is to take lots of pictures....they grow SO quickly.  Good luck.

Congratulations -- how exciting, Kim! I would suggest keeping an open mind, if the last available male isn't what you were hoping for and a female pulls on your heartstrings. I have one of each, and they're both stellar dogs. I would bring one of the fleece blankets with you so that you can return home with the scent of the puppy's mom and litter mates. I would also order a Snuggle Puppy for your little one to cuddle with in his or her crate. You will absolutely want to keep a strict schedule. I kept a notepad on top of the crate, and wrote down what time it was every time we took ours out to eliminate. It will help you to remember. I'd also switch from Purina food, but not until your puppy is home and settled in about a month's time. When you transition to the new food, do it very very gradually. I started training with my two after 12 weeks of age, when they had most of their vaccines. Finally, I'd recommend joining the puppy group here on DK, where you will find a wealth of information. Oh, bring a towel and some paper towels for the ride home :o)

Until you mentioned it I forgot that we used to write down every pee and poop so we would know when she should go out again. Amazing the things I've already forgotten. :-)

I agree with many of the points made by Jane and Laurie.

1. Take a blanket to the breeder to get the scent of the puppy's mother and siblings.

2. Buy a crate and a snuggle puppy. Our puppy of 16 months (she will always be a puppy to me) still has her snuggle puppy and blanket when she goes to bed at night. It is very cute to see her sleeping with her head on Snuggles.

3. I followed a rigorous schedule for toileting.....Every two hours; no water after 6pm and a trip outside at 10pm. We are retired so we had time to follow a schedule. Never ever yell at your puppy for an accident. If Wynnie had and accident, it was because we missed the timing of her toileting. We used bells hung on the door and taught her to ring them when she wanted to go out. She got the idea of the bells when she was 3-1/2 months. She always has slept through the night and wakes up at 7:15am everyday. While these toileting tips worked for us, you should consult DoodleKisses for other insights.

4. When she was a young puppy, we fed her three times a day and she was regular with her poops. Consult the Food Group on this site for recommended foods and how to transition your puppy from Purina.

5. I used clicker training from the very start and was successful with it. Jane suggestions on training are very good. BTW, I would wait until she has most of her vaccines before taking her to obedience class with other dogs.

6. Once you start obedience classes stay with them...polite greetings, reliable recalls, impulse control and loose leash walking are essential. Our Wynnie passed the AKC's Canine Good Citizen at 12 months and is now participating in Agility Classes. We continue to reinforce all of her earlier skills. Needless to say, she is a sweet/wonderful girl.

7.Give your doodle lots of love and attention, the payoff in terms of love returned will be immense. In fact, there isn't a day that goes buy when we don't laugh about something that Wynnie has done.

8. Read DoodleKisses for any and all suggestions. The people on this site are very experienced and have many insightful tips.

Everyone has given you great suggestions. The only things I'd add, is in addition to getting mama's scent on an article, also get your scent on something (like a puppy safe soft toy). The easiest way to do that is sleep with the toy a few nights :) When you bring your puppy home put both scented items in its crate, so it has both a familiar smell and your smell.

I'd opt for no doggy bed (for the crate) during the puppy stage. They're fine for outside the crate, however. Both my dogs liked large, thinner pads as 'home base' places to play as puppies.

Training should begin Day 1, as puppies need to learn household rules. Not just obedience training, but appropriate behavior in your home. The sooner you start, the faster the puppy will learn.

I would suggest no doggy bed for a few months. Riley chewed them up until well after a year old. Lots of lost money there. :( Towels and blankets are a good alternative.
We didn't do clicker training or potty bells. Just took her to a good trainer that taught US how to be good leaders. So helpful!
We put her in a crate for the ride home and she wailed, peed and puked. If I did it again I would just hold her in my lap.
Take lots of pictures the first week. I didn't realize how fast they grow and regret not having more.
Best wishes!



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