Daisy loves her crate, she starts on the floor next to Daddy's side of the bed but is always in her crate in the morning when it's time to get up...we call it her nite nite. She sleeps pretty funny, as you can see. *note cuddle puppy is still in the bed, she is not allowed to take her out, she was the same size for about a day.
Lisa, last night I took a picture of Tara in her crate with the door closed (we are still opening it at night when we come to bed but she goes to bed about 1/2 hour before us and we close it then). As you can see, the difference in the fit between Daisy in her crate and Tara in her's is pretty huge. Now you know why I started that discussion about crate size!! This still looks awful to me!!! See her little face is crammed into one end and her little legs are up the back...ugh!
Sorry about the picture quality-it was taken in complete darkness. I'm surprised it came out this good!
Okay though she looks very comfortable I see what you mean....if you plan on keeping her in the crate (she certainly looks like she is not suffering, quite comfortable with her stuffed baby with her) I would step up to the next size.
She is oh so cute....I wish you could have heard my reaction, can't translate that into words.
Thanks Lisa! I am feeling pretty good about our current system of leaving the door open all night. Like I said she is only in the crate about 1/2 hour to an hour with the door closed now (until a couple of days ago it was ALL night!) I brought her bed from living room into the bedroom as an option for her but even if she gets up to check on us she goes right back into the crate to sleep. Perhaps in time she will work her way out permanently and we can remove the crate (and DH can have his nightstand back!!) .
I just left your page - Ricki she is so beautiful....and you know she is just fine in that crate not nearly as big as I imagined she was. She obviously makes you smile, she did me.