Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I get very defensive when strangers says Chewie's FAT. He's not fat, he's just reeallyy FLUFFY!!
Look what's left of him when he's wet. He's a skinny minnie! In fact, do you think he's TOO SKINNY??
He's 8 months old, is around 48cm (19 inches) tall at the wither and weighs 16.5kg (33 lbs).
Anyone else with doodle about his height? How much do you think he should weigh?Tags:
The coat change was such a pain because of all the matting and we had Remy shaved. He looked absolutely ridiculous but it did get rid of his matting. That said, I will tackle mats individually from here on out. I recently found an amazing, wonderful de-matting comb that works like a charm. I highly recommend everyone keep one on hand. I blogged about it yesterday if you'd like more information but it is called the Safari Dematting Comb and it was the best $10 I've ever spent.
Yes, I'm a bit worried about the dreaded coat change too. How long does it typically last?
I found some tiny mats on his belly and behind his ear the other day. I brush Chewie quite often (every other day), but brush him in different part each time.
Hi Kimmy, I'm not sure how to measure height (to the top of the head, shoulder, etc.) but Sophie is approximately the same size, perhaps a few inches taller. She is 17.2 kilos at the last weigh in, which is actually down from 17.5. she looks a lot like Chewie, and is all skin and bones under all that fur. :)
Thanks Sherri, Chewie is dark brown. Yes, it always looks black in photos :P
He looks fine to me. Amante's breeder said he should be expected to be 35 to 40. He is 5 months and at his last vet check he was just 19 lbs. I wonder if he is to skinny, too. One of his litter mates is already 33 lbs!!!! I know he is not food deprived so I just tell myself he was hungry he would eat!!! Chewie is super cute!!!!
My 9 1/2 month old pup is the same height and weight--they will both get heavier when they are a year or so old and fill out--males usually get deeper chests--but are quite slender until then. I expect my Rio to be about 38 pounds at the end--same as his dad, but his dad is shorter and stockier. I can feel all his ribs and his spine, but they don't stick out. So, he is about right.
I agree about the coat change thing--I had to shave a 14 month old doodle that I was hired to groom because they had not groomed her between 6 months and 14 months--she had gotten very long and they let the mats get WAY ahead of them. My pup is getting a lot of mats around his neck, chin and backs of his legs. I am spending about 10 minutes several times a day picking at his mats with a steel comb so that he does not have to go through the "torture" for a very long time. So far, i am keeping up with them. Before this month, he has not had many mats at all--so be on the lookout!
Rio is getting health tested by my breeder to see if he can be a stud dog--she wants me to get his coat really long for photos--like 5-6 inches long--so I have to be very careful about mats from now on.
Rio as of today:
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