A new update to the system now allows you to CLICK on a photo in the photo page to go to the next photo--just like on Facebook! So instead of having to click on 'back' or 'next' to flip through photos...just click on the photo and voila!
F. this has to be very scary if you can't "speak your mind". I changed mine yesterday morning and didn't have a problem at all. In fact, I need to change it again so I will see if it is still working for me! Hope you get it all worked out with Adina. Someone else had that problem. Can't remember who at the moment (at the "senior" moment) ha ha.
Adina, This is now fixed. I had everything public except for allowing only friends to see my page. I think it was that way for a long time but maybe something was changed centrally that affected this? But since this was bugging me I changed that and voila. Since what's on my mind is meant, or so I thought, to appear on the main page it doesn't seem like that should have affected it but I was clearly wrong.
I am old and don't do Facebook (thanks for teaching me something about it) because I haven't figured it out quite yet. Does this mean when we are clicking through photos they will load onto the page faster?
For some reason this is making my computer run really slow. other websites are fine but dk keeps pausing everytime I do something on here. Is anyone else having this problem....
Ok I'm at work now and this computer isn't doing it soooo I wonder what's up with my computer at home, it's a pretty new computer. I can't have doodlekisses not working that would be terrible. I'm going to have to look into this when I get home tonight a little more.