Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well - if you haven't seen the news, we lost. Portugese Water Dog it is. I do think that's a good thing for us but I really don't know if its the best for them. We have to understand though, I'm sure they will have a lot of people that can help exercise and train the pup. I'm sure it will live a better life than me - not than my Fergie though cause I think she's the most pampered dog in the world. Yah, we all think that.

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I wonder if the PWD is the right choice. The only reason I can see for choosing a PWD over a Doodle, is that there really aren't any in shelters, so they can feel justified in getting a puppy!
Actually my husband said he is going to adopt one from a shelter. Good luck finding one. Although I'm sure that could be rigged so he can say it is a "shelter" dog. Who knows.
Not shelters, but perhaps PWD rescue?
I third that!! Samantha is from a BYB - I got her before I found DK. I am thrilled they choose the PWD. Enough Doodles needing rehoming!!
I was thinking the reason they were waiting was that they already had "the puppy" somewhere and it was being trained and set up somewhere to be a "rescue" and old enough to look like an older puppy from a shelter.

I totally agree in rescuing animals, and support anyone that does it. Both my cats are rescues. I just don't see the first family getting a pet that is going to be in the public eye from a shelter that could EAT the White House:)
That's OK, I think if they would of gotten a doodle then EVERYONE will want to be breeders thinking that EVERYONE will want one and there will be MORE doodles in rescues. There are enough BYB's . We all know our doodles are the best!!!!
IF Obama had adopted one of our pups we would have suggested instead of paying us for the dog to make a donation to the Washington D.C. Loca Animal Shelter...that way he would still be helping the shelter ....We breed F1B 's and think that they are the best dpgs well as so many on here..I think the less popular the Labradoodle is right now the better for the entire breed....just my 2 cents....Good Luck to the Obama's on either choice they make...good luck to the dog too...
We thought of getting a PWD before we got our GD. My research showed some health issues that could develop. We had just lost our beloved purebred wheaton terrior to Kidney failure which is a trait of that breed, and I just could not ignore the risks. It seems to me that every purebeed dog has a list of health issues that can develop even with extreme care by the breeders. Even if both parents are clear of health issues, becauase the dog is purebred, I was told that their is a greater risk of these ailments appearing from the DNA of past lineage. We also heard that Doodles have less risk of developing the conditions related to the purebred parents or grandparents ie: poodle, Godlen retreiver, or labradore because the genetic makeup was mixed. We decided that a doodle mutt was the most gorgeous dog we had ever seen and went with our instinct to get a good natured, floppy eared, teddy bear rather than the "prince" that was PWD can be.
I had a Havanese that developed an autoimmune disease. I checked with breeders but they were not aware of other Havanese who developed the disease. I was unable to locate the breeder as she moved. I got a multigen F6 minidoodle as I wanted a lapdog but I still miss my Pebbles. So sorry about your loss of your beloved terrior. My Pebs lived 3 yrs after diagnosis but needed weekly vet care. She didn't suffer upon passing so that meant lots to me. Have a good weekend : )
I was sad to hear they had chosen the Portugese Water Dog :( But you are right about how they will have trainers out of the ying yang to exercise the dog.
Ah...I think it's better.....Let them get a PWD.....It'll mean less indiscriminate breeding of doodles to accommodate the "presidentially influenced" general public......

Reply by Lynne NJ 1 day ago

ABC News this morning said they received a call from Michele Obama who told them that the People Mag story about them getting a PWD is HER choice. "There are three other votes that need to be counted." No firm decisions yet. The story did show a labradoodle in a shelter so I hope they do get a shelter dog. Imagine to good it would do for rescue.

Reply by Jacquie Yorke & Blake 1 day ago

My feeling is this.....If the Obamas are to adopt a rescue dog, be it any breed or mixed breed "mutt", I would hope that they would continue to call attention to the reasons that there is such a need for rescue in the first place. I would hope that they would become advocates for spay/neuter programs and puppy mill survivors and that President Obama would make it his personal mission to enact, invoke and implement laws and policy that would prohibit the inhumane practices associated with indiscriminate breeding of dogs for profit. I would hope that he would investigate the government agencies and corrupt politicians who allow puppy mill atrocities to continue in their states and hold them accountable for the suffering..I would hope that adopting a rescue dog would inspire the Obamas to become a powerful voice for those who cannot speak for themselves....
My goodness, the press just can't leave this family alone-even when it comes to what kind of dog they might get. PWD's are great and as we all know "Doodles" are the best. Whatever they choose, the dog will have a great life and the girls will love it!



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