Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey there!

Thanks so much for all of you that filled out our survey.  It has helped us figure out some stuff.  Adina will post more about the survey results later.

Some stuff you told us about we had been avoiding thinking about.  Like... OUR SEARCH FEATURE REALLY SUCKS.


It had to be said.

We knew search wasn't great, but didn't know it affected you this much.

So I am testing something else:  Scrapping our search completely and just using Google for our own internal search.

But I'd like your opinion on it first.

If you guys like the Google search results better, we will replace the search result that you currently see on DK with results from Google.  You would search in the same places on DK, but just get a different results page.

Try this for me.  Do searches on DK and then do the same searches here:

Do you like the results better?  Or do you like the current results from the DK search?

(Note: This link is to our custom search test page.  You WON'T have to go off site to use this... but I wanted to know if you like the search results you get from it better.  Make sense?)

If you like the Google search results better, we will replace the internal DK results with these results.

So let me know what you think.



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Does Google use Boolean search?

Umm... kinda.

Here are the search operators you can use:

"And" worked for me.
I just checked. It appears to. That would be huge.

WTD just happened??  Clark, I was testing out the Google site and then the DK site.  I clicked on a comment (from DK search) that had my name in it but I didn't recognize the discussion or comment.  Clicked on comment and it took me to My Comments page. A whole page of comments I didn't recognize. Plus the comments were dated 2009. I wasn't even on the site then. But there at the top is my profile pic and it says leave a comment for Cheryl and Finnegan. Clicked on our profile pic and it took me to Cheryl and Fenway's page. Clicked on My Page and it took me back to my real page BUT there's a slideshow of dogs I don't recognize with my music! LOL Seriously folks, I'm drinking coffee right now!  PLEASE tell me someone else is having this problem.

Scary, I am afraid to look.
OK I looked,my page seems unaltered.

Uh yep, just went back to My Page and there's still a  slide show of 100 strange photos.  Looks like it was probably a Main Page slide show at some point.

Haha. Cheryl! This made me laugh. You're in some DK twilight zone! Who are all of those dogs of yours? Is that your extended family in all of those pictures? ;)

DK twilight zone is right LOL Double doodle moms eat your hearts out.  It appears I have hundreds of new dogs! They are all very cute though! 

Clark is playing around behind the scenes, I hope.   


OMD, that's too weird! 

My slideshow is still just JD. No new doodles for me, lol.

I see that your slideshow is different.... strange Is it a setting on your page maybe?



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