Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hey there!
Thanks so much for all of you that filled out our survey. It has helped us figure out some stuff. Adina will post more about the survey results later.
Some stuff you told us about we had been avoiding thinking about. Like... OUR SEARCH FEATURE REALLY SUCKS.
It had to be said.
We knew search wasn't great, but didn't know it affected you this much.
So I am testing something else: Scrapping our search completely and just using Google for our own internal search.
But I'd like your opinion on it first.
If you guys like the Google search results better, we will replace the search result that you currently see on DK with results from Google. You would search in the same places on DK, but just get a different results page.
Try this for me. Do searches on DK and then do the same searches here:
Do you like the results better? Or do you like the current results from the DK search?
(Note: This link is to our custom search test page. You WON'T have to go off site to use this... but I wanted to know if you like the search results you get from it better. Make sense?)
If you like the Google search results better, we will replace the internal DK results with these results.
So let me know what you think.
Life is busy so forgive me for not following this closely the past few days. I do want to say two things:
1. Great idea. If I had to fill out the survey again, I would have to add, " The search engine.. well I probably would not say, Sucks" I might say, some long drawn out explanation about why, I can't find a damn thing when I want to. It truly reminds me of my ' Husband's' garage! So for whoever said Sucks, Thanks
2. Clark and Adina, a few months ago ( more than that) you gave us a DK toolbar to try. I have since had to redo my very old computer 10 times and never re-installed that toolbar. I only miss the search feature.
The toolbar search feature was Fantastic!!! Clark, the links you are posting look very similar to what I would find when I did a search through the DK toolbar. Same thing?
Thanks Clark.
My curiosity is killing me - who said the search feature "really sucks"? Have they identified themselves?
Really liked the google search engine for the questions I searched.
Love the Google search. And it also has the option to look at images too!
YES!!!! The Google search works terrific! Now I can just search for SoCal and find everything related to my area, including organized events. This means I can also tell others who are new to the site how to find them using search.
Nice solution!!
I found this to be very helpful.
I can chat, add my opinion/answers to posts, look up specifics such as adoptions.
I can find labradoodle or goldendoodle breeders, puppies available. I like that you just throw out the available information, not who has paid MORE for their ad or such, but here they are and you can localize them by area if you wish.
I like this site much better than the original one.
Thanks for asking!
Glad to see this topic, but here is my solid thought - if I have to Google it then why am I here? If Google is the drive behind the site, well I can move on to another search engine or another website. The search function here is frustrating and with this new info it makes it moreso.
Sally, we were just testing to see how people liked the google search. We could include the google search tool within our site for searching our site. You wouldn't have to leave, go to Google, and then return based on your findings and the findings would be within our site. I'm not really clear on your objection.
Adina, accounting for frustration - I did not post an objection, although I do find it somewhat objectionable. Perhaps having been told too many times to 'google it' or the old 'ask a question only to be told to use the search function' - thus my comment comes from one who tires of the juggling. The more bouncing around that is required, the more likely folks are to bounce away.
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