Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A friend of mine told me this. You see someone selling balloons and your child wants one. You have a decision to make. If you don't  buy the balloon your child will cry. If you do buy the balloon, you'll please your child. But soon the balloon will break and your child will cry. So do what you think is best in the circumstances.
So what does this have to do with doodles? Luca adores balls. He loves hiding them, trying to retrieve them from where he's wedged or lost them, barking for me to get them. He also likes to demand they be thrown. This gets to be very annoying. Last week he accidentally tore my couch while digging under it for a ball he had purposely, believe me, placed there. Needless to say I was not happy. Suddenly it dawned on me, I know I'm slow, that this ball obsession was not good for me and not, therefore,  for him either. I decided it was best for me to banish balls from the house. Outside we can play fetch and he can can have fun with his balls. He tries to sneak one in sometimes but he's getting the idea. Life is so much better!

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I lke that!
Peri does that with her antlers also....we actually cannot find 2 brand new ones - have searched everywhere, but she hid them!
Winston isn't my under the couch or toss the ball dog. It is Freya my Rottweiler. We all take a 2 to 3 mile walk most nights and you would think that would be enough, but NO we need to do more. Freya will bring me a ball or other toy that can be tossed and the game begins. She will bark at you to get the ball if it rolls under any thing. Winston just curls up on the ottoman and watches. He his not crazy about balls or catch, but Freya will do it until she drops. Once in a while Winston will take the toy away from Freya, just because he can. Then he walks a cross the room drops the toy, just to annoy Freya. Freya also likes to pick lemons and toss them around like a tennis ball. I would love Winston to like to play ball, any size ball, but no go so far.
I thought balls under the couch was just a Jackism. Now I see it is a doodlecentric behavior.
Same for us and zogoflex bones. Roo feels incomplete without a zogoflex bone in his mouth. I had to ban he ( and all his willing coconspirators) absolutely from playing fetch with it in the house. The bone is heavy and so is Roo. TVs, small children and grandmas beware.
Wow, I can't believe this!:) haha I thought I was the only one with the puppy that puts balls under the couch on purpose. He doesn't do it all the time but it is so annoying when he does. He puts it under there, paws at it, barks, and whines all while making himself look innocent! How can they do it all at once?;) Smart doodles



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