Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This is an interesting topic.

Does everyone deserve a dog of their very own, or only those that can afford one (in money/time/devotion)?

This is an interesting and difficult question. In fact, the Irreverent Vet recently discussed this very topic. It came up because of the octuplet mom with 14 kids who was receiving public assistance. It made a lot of people step back and ask, "Does everyone deserve kids or only those that can afford them?"

Logically, the question extends to pets. Does everyone deserve a pet or only those that can afford to care for them them?

What do you think? I'm very interested to find out what you all think about this issue.

Pets have needs that need to be taken care of - grooming, nutritional needs (good food), preventative health care, and emergency or ongoing health care if there are medical problems. Those all cost money. Should we really own a pet if we are unable to fulfill those needs?

The Irreverent Vet addresses this issue head-on and his opinion is one that I believe most vets share.

After we discuss it I will post their POLL outcome: Does Everyone "Deserve" a Pet? What do you think?

Leave your answer here and your comments below.

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Yes, Adina, that's the statement I was thinking of. I thought Cathy or Nancy said it.
Im not the one here starting anything, All I did was compare Apples to Oranges...I just felt the "WHAT IF" needed to also be addressed, nor did I say I'm feeling judged by this question..i said my opinion and how i feel..this question to me is very judgemental and I don't feel anyone has the right to pass a judgement on anyone based on their misfortune or otherwise pertaining to animals, not pertaining to anyone individual. We all have different standards of care, what one person would think is better care for their animal someone else may it is judgemental. Just like what food we should feed, or should we cook for our's our choice.
As for respecting other peoples opinions, I think I respect everyones on here, and I do not personally attack someone on here because I don't care for what they say. When someone flat out involves themself and verbally attacks me, I have every right to defend myself, since my opinion obviously is being disrespected!
Wow....go to a half a day of training.....and look what I missed, lol
You're here now, what's your opinion?
I think you shouldn't have what you can't afford....whether it is too many pets, too many kids, too many cars....if you can't afford it, you go without.
Octomom didn't think that way, that's for sure. LOL
Nope, she didn't....and I don't think she should be supported by the rest of the country, either. And to take that a step further and risk p*ssing off a LOT of people....I also don't think that people on welfare should be allowed to continue having babies....if they want that check, it should be handed out at the same time as their birth control shot. ::ducking::
Stand up! I can't pin a medal to your chest while you're hunched over.
I agree 100% and if you surrender to a shelter for 'what ever reason' you should be documented. Paper trails would help those trying to background check the potential adoptive families. DUCK
Medal for Debbie, too.
Thanks Karen. Add to this. Any owner that feels they 'need' to surrender a pet MUST do 60 hours of volunteer work at the shelter FIRST...then you may leave your pet. How about 60 hours in the shelter volunteering BEFORE anyone can adopt from anywhere, a Breeder, a rescue, etc.
I like it ... but wouldn't that DIScourage people from dropping off a dog in broad daylight and instead lead to more abandonement and dogs tied to poles near the shelter?

I say this only because even at our hospital we have a no questions asked policy about accepting infant drop-offs to prevent worse things happening to babies whose mothers don't want them. Not that we're getting babies left and my knowledge it hasn't yet happened...?



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