Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I wanted to share an interesting tid bit regarding Parvo. Until recently, I had never known any more about it other than you don't want your dogs to get it. But have found out that there is a strain, B19 that is a Human Parvo.  My granddaughter, age 3 contacted it, and had the typical symptoms, so we were pretty sure what it was. The "Slap faced rash", low grade fever, cough....

Then mommy got it, same symptoms, expect add in joint pain, but she went to the dr for blood work to see if it really was what we suspected or something treatable, and the test was positive for B19. Of course nothing you can do for it but run its course. 

The virus ran through her house and mine, with the 4 month old twin boys taking their turns with it and now me.  It is pretty miserable, I must say. Or maybe I'm just a wimp, but I can see why all three of her kids just spent days crying and being held.  I'd do the same it I could!!! 

Just sharing, thought it was interesting.

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Nancy, it is very common this time of year especially here out west where you and I are. The Pedi was very versed in it and knew what it was as soon as she described it to him.  But the family physician my daughter went to tested her for strep and just did the Parvo B19 blood work because we felt strongly it was this and requested it. It ruled out other things too because when her test came back with other levels being off, they wanted to send her to several other specialists, to rule out Lupus, Rheumatoid Arth, blah blah. We said no, its a virus!!!!  And as usual we will take the wait and see approach. She is fine now too.

Hope your son's family is all better too.

Interesting! Sending " feel better" vibes! And thanks for the heads up. Scarey stuff with my husband, who basically has no immune system. This is the kind of thing that would land him in the hospital.

Most definitely Ro, this took every bit of my immune system and medication to fight! It is spread by respiratory exposure, so Im sure he is being very careful about all infections at this point.  Stay healthy!!!

Thank you! Sending healthy vibes to you and yours, as well!

OMD, I never heard of any human with Parvo.  I sure hope you start feeling better.  I suppose it doesn't make sense to say "get some rest".

HA! Rest? What is this rest you speak of? Is it found in houses with infants and doodles, because it alludes us!!! lol

I am feeling much better today and I did get loads of rest yesterday in preparation for my two grand doodles arrival this morning!

I hope you are all feeling better soon.

Thanks Laurie, myself and one of the baby boys are still recovering, but feeling better.  I was hoping to tuck myself into bed the other day and catch up on your wonderful blogs, but lo and behold, no blogs since April 20!  I can't imagine its for lack of exciting adventures in your life!!! I will just look forward to the next one. 



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