Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a small bottle of Patchouli oil, and I have read about some of its benefits. I have heard about its benefits in dogs too. In dogs it helps make dogs happier and is sopposed to help a dogs well being. It smells pretty good and has a yellow-ish color. Maybe this is an alternitive for depressed dogs and people instead of sometimes harmful pills. 

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Ah yes, the scent of patchouli brings back many memories of my college years and beyond.  The 70's and 80's!  I've never heard that about patchouli but it makes sense.  We were all about "peace and love" in that era.  The world and our dogs could sure use that now so I think maybe a little patchouli could only be a good thing.  My dog companion at the time was a sweet tempered lovable Dobie.  Maybe it was the patchouli!

The power of the sense of smell!   Nothing quite like its influence for humans or dogs.   Patchouli certainly triggers memories for me. If someone walks past me in a crowded area, I go way back.  It is wonderfully toxic.

Just like Dorothy in the Poppy fields.  Ahhh.


But what comes first, the chicken or the egg?   Would the smell need to be there while the dog was feeling good to re-trigger good memories and a sense of well being?  The dog then reverts back to good memories as most of humans here said it does when we come across that scent again, or does the smell just bring out the good feelings all on its own?


Love your idea, Taylor and Bryce.  I have a bottle right here I have  not used but once.

I also have a dog who sometimes is sensitive in moods.   I'll certainly give that a try. 

I found Patchouli scented hand soap at Home Goods and bought 4 bottles.....should keep us in the 60's for a year or more!      Patchouli ranks VERY high on the list of memorable scents!!!     Maybe I should give Banjo a "Peace Bath".

I'm going to Home Goods. Did you buy it recently?

Love the scent of Patchouli!!

I did Sue......and was there last week and saw it again....I almost bought more....but 4 is enuf for now I guess ; - )

Searched high and low at Home Goods today, couldn't find a single bottle. :(


Peace Bath!   And plant a daisy in his hair. LOL.

Love the idea though.   Wonder if hyper Spud would get, " All Peaced Out, Man"

Please do more research - Patchouli Oil may be Toxic to dogs.  I was trying to research this and came accross a few comments about it being toxic.

Many essential oils are somewhat toxic to dogs. But more importantly, almost all essential oils are toxic to cats.

I would stay away from all of them, personally. I want solid research on the benefits, from controlled studies, not the claims of the people selling the stuff and the "holistic" websites, before I use anything on my pets.

I also had enough of the scent of patchouli "back in the day" to last me a lifetime, lol.

Let us know if it works-I DO NOT like the scent but my mother loves it-maybe I had too much of it growing up!!!!
Taylor, it's important to remember that all things have pros and cons. Not all medicines are bad ideas even if most medicines do have side effects. At the very least medications have been studied while many "natural" treatments have not. I know I harp on this theme but that's due to my training and long experience.
I use essential Lavender oil to give Yindi massages to calm her. It seems to work as it's well known Lavender is calming. She's also taking Anxitane for anxiety. It's an amino acid given to me by her vet. She's been on it for a month and you're supposed to give for at least 60 days and see if it's working. But it's costly at $40.00 per month. ouch.



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