Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Toby has been picking at a spot on his hind leg for a couple of days now.  Whenever I catch him he gets a stern "Leave it" and he does.  However, I noticed today he has pulled all the hair out of one spot.  I have put a sock on his leg, and hopefully that will break the habit of  "picking" he seems to have picked up.  It is not tender, or red, or hot.  I guess it could be a skin allergy, although he isn't itchy in general.  I'm thinking maybe he got a bug bite and started biting at it, then pulled some hair out, and then, because dogs are creatures of habit, kept pulling it out?  Any thoughts on that?


Other than that, he's almost 2, calmed WAY down, and a lovely boy.  :)


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Sandy, if the skin isn't broken there, you could try some cortisone spray...most pet supply stores sell it and it helps with localized itching or irritation. Maybe just long enough to let it heal?
Nope, the skin isn't broken. I think right now it's just an obsession that needs to be broken. I should look into the cortisone spray.
If you're sure he isn't picking at it because it bothers him, you might also try some bitter apple to get him to leave it alone. I thought the cortisone would help if it is itching or bothering him.
I do still have some bitter apple left over from puppyhood. Although I must say - it never stopped him from picking at ME at the time. :)
He's still licking/picking at his leg, and has a nice bald patch. :( On the recommendation of a friend, I have been putting polysporin and a sock on it, but I don't want the sock on overnight in case he pulls it off and eats IT. Sad doodle with a naked leg.....
Poor Toby!
My dog has picked at his front legs for the last 1 1/2 years of his 2 year life. Two things. One, my Vet said he was bored or had some anxiety. I bought him a nylone bone (he chews up everthing else), and that works really well for boredom. Second, he could have allergies. My Vet said to try one benadryl a day for allergies. That works best! Cooper has been leaving his legs alone!

One more advice? Try deluted Tea Tree Oil and spray on this coat after a bath. That's good for dogs, especially dogs with allergy problems.
How much do you dilute the Tea Tree Oil? I do have some of that in the house. I don't think he's bored, and he doesn't destroy things. It would be nice if he could talk..... :)
Half Tea Tree, Half Water. I put it in a small spray bottle. It must be allergies. Is he on the grass a lot? I found that when Cooper plays on the grass at the park, he's very itchy when we come home. Now I give him a benadryl before we go.

Does your Doodle have a sensitive stomach? Mine does and so does my sister's Doodle (she has one of Cooper's sisters). I heard that was a trait with Doodles. He can only eat Chicken and Rice or Lamb and Rice dog food (Pinnacle works best)
No sensitive tummy, thank goodness. It's only one leg, but I guess it could still be allergies. We go on a lot of walks, and I suppose he could have walked on someone's lawn that had used fertilizer or something. I'll have to give the tea tree oil a try. Thanks!
I have noticed that Peri gets itchy after we walk through grass that has been freshly cut. Usually, if I just wipe her off with some baby wipes or towel her off, it drastically reduces the itchiness. But she does not gnaw until she becomes bald in an area. I would just keep an eye on Toby and see if it gets any worse or he starts it up in a new area. I hope it isn't a serious allergy problem!

Keep us posted - good luck!
It doesn't sound like allergies to me, either. I can pretty also much guarantee you it has nothing to do with food.
Wiping off the area and using something soothing on it can't hurt, though. I agree with Allyson, I would keep an eye on it and consult the vet if it doesn't start improving.



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