Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A friend of mine that owns a golden retriever sent me the link below and I am not sure who to pass this along to, BUT I hope you will read this article and pass it on to the right person.  I know that these doodles will find great furever homes through our site and our rescue contacts.  I cried when I read this and saw all of those beautiful doodles !!!!!!!!!!!!!  Please help.  I am sending this retriever rescue group a great big thank you for taking them all in.

The site is.....    The article is at the bottom right of the page titled  to the rescue again.    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

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What a sweet photo..What a story. Thanks for the additional information. Great organization.

I just posted on their facebook wall. What an amazing organization. I am so grateful for people who so such self-less things. I love their FB page and I am so grateful...... Those puppies are stinking adorable......

I know.  They just seem to have it all together. If it wasn't so far a drive, I would love to volunteer to show my appreciation.   It seems they also do so much for senior dogs that are basically "dumped."  Knowing that some will never be adopted, they seem to give them a very loving environment. 

I know, I just read through the website of available dogs, a few of them are seniors... How amazing of them.

This message from the ED is worth reading...

I could not access the message with the link.

I got it last night but today when i went to show it to DH I could not access it either.

I can not access it either, I sent them another BIG thank you on their FB page.  Just looking at the pics, ya know these babies are SOOOOO happy.  I'm sure they will all go to good homes.  God bless them.

I don't know why the link's not working but if you go to their DVGRR Facebook page and scroll down (way down) it's an article on the right called "Have I told you lately that I love you."

Wow--this is great--and i am so glad that they felt obligated to help even though these cute guys were not purebred Golden retrievers--I am sure they will have no trouble finding homes for them as the price is excellent--and the restrictions are identical to those of a good breeder. Wonderful story..




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