Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Breed: labradoodle C...olor: cream with apricot accents
Age: 3 Years Wt:60 Lbs.
Gender info: Male Dog, wearing Collar w/Tags.
Demeanor: Dog is shy/timid
DESCRIPTION: Poncho ran away Thanksgiving morning with our younger lab, who came back later in the day without Poncho. Poncho is a sweet little guy that reminds me (in appearance) of a fluffy lamp. He is shy, but never aggressive. He may not come to you, but if we can narrow down his location, we may be able to find him. He is cream colored, with apricot shadings. He is wearing a green collar with cows on it, and does have tags. Please do not chase, It may cause him/her to leave the location in fear.
Contact's Name: Pam Muenzner Street Address: Red Fox Rd. - Natural Lakes Assoc (intersection of Hwy. B & M)
Phone #1: (715) 385-7861 Phone #2:(715) 904-0611 Phone #3:(715) 385-2247!/photo.php?fbid=10150498701141241&se...

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Debbie, if you are in touch with the family, they need to notify every Animal Control and shelter in the vicinity, too. I posted this link to all of the WI shelters on the FB page, but here it is:

Thank You, Karen.

Crossposted on Facebook, Deb. On Oodles of Doodles group page and my page. Also sent to Midwest rescue contacts.

Thank you, Lynne! You are the Best!  I know this area very well...very wooded, not to mention the season right now worries me a ton for this boy.  I have been searching all of the shelters...

Let me know if I can do anything else. How about local vets, did they contact them?

Thanks my friend, I don't know if she had or not...or what she has tried. I sent her an email.  My heart hurts thinking this boy has been gone now for two days.  My Prayers are for Poncho's safe return home. 

Poncho, thinking of you tonight.  Hope you are working your way back home.

Thinking positive thoughts for Poncho tonight and that he is safe and warm.


These posts make me so sad. I don't know if you can notify the police and ask if they will keep an eye out or garbage men, any city worker that you can think of that will be out in the streets? The hunters idea sounds good for such a wooded area. I hope they find him soon.

I hope Poncho makes it home safe and sound our prayers are with him.

Watching this and hoping for Poncho's safe return.

Any word, Deb?



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