Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone, Zorro has either an ear infection or foxtail in his ear. I'm doing antibiotics & ear washes. He won't let the vet touch him so we can't see whats down there. He has to go under a general anasthetic to even know. If he's not better by Friday, its surgery. He was going to go in today but he got into the food this AM. Pls pls think ear infection which will cure by Friday. negative on fox tail. DK energy is so powerful. Any positive thoughts, prayers or energy you can spare for Zorro, we would really appreciate. Puppy love from Joy & furry folk

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Have no advice but sending lots of positive doodle prayers your way!! Samantha has had 2 ear infections but never to the point that she won't let anyone touch her ear. I am so sorry you have to worry like this! Keep us posted on how Zorro is doing!
Poor Zorro! I hope it is the lesser of the 2 evils. Positive thoughts and prayers are coming your way! ~ Brenda
You've got it - coming your way from Arizona! Poor pup... ear infections are awful. Does Zorro spend time in the water? Hoping it's just an infection that is treatable - keep us posted!
Hi Michelle & all, No, he doesn't go in the water. Additionally, my house is under construction so my dogs are in a huge dog run. There is no access to foxtails. There are foxtails where we walk but they are in a close heel when passing foxtails. But its not getting better. He's scheduled for surgery Fri AM 9:00 AM PDT. Pls send us positive energy at that time.

* dancing to the foxtail gods *
Thx. Pls dance Fri 9:00 AM when we're scheduled for surgery. PUppy love from JOy & furry folk
Those darn foxtails. Two of my dogs have had those stuck in their ear. Cass, had to go under to have one removed a few years ago. And Rosco's....well his ear had been treated for a few weeks when finally at the final check up a decomposed foxtail was found accidentally!

Good thoughts for Zorro!
Hi Adina, Pls tell me how to make it so I get an email when someone answers my post. Puppy love from JOy & furry folk
I didn't know those foxtails could be so nasty. We have a ton of those in a field behind our house, and I was constantly picking seeds off of Halas and myself last fall. But now I'll be even more diligent about it. I hope Zorro just has an ear infection, but even if he doesn't, at least it sounds like they know that a foxtail might be the culprit.
Awww I hope he is ok and feeling better soon!
Hope all goes well and Zorro gets well soon!!
Been there done that - for Ned it was foxtails with horrible ear infections. We were actually lucky that they put him under to explore because the vet found a foxtail in his throat that would have done lots and lots of damage. This was right when we got Ned from the breeder and when the vet tried to check his ear, Ned actually tried to bite the vet!!! The vet (whom we normally respect enormously) warned us that Ned may have an aggressive personality and we needed to get right on it. Luckily he was wrong - Ned is a sweetie who and NEVER tried to bite or nip again. His ear just hurt sooooo much. Ned and i will be thinking of your poor doggie.



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