Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, it is official. Tonight we picked up Fozzy Bear! Oh, it broke my heart to take him away from his momma! We brought him home to meet our resident GR, Boomer, and he made himself right at home! I think Boomer was more scared of this little fur ball than the other way around! He showed absolutely no anxiety about being at his new home. Perhaps it helped that we visited twice in the last two weeks.
We are officially a Doodle Family! Yea! And, we made a great friend in his Foster Mom! So, we are twice as lucky!

It should be interesting to see how many times my sons sneak out of bed tonight!

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Welcome Fozzy Bear!! He is adorable. Enjoy your little fun!
Congrats!!! He's simply adorable and does look very doodley! This is the pup that you weren't sure about its dad right? From rescue? Oh I'm so happy and excited for you!!! Keep us up to date on his doodley progress =)
Thank you! Yes, he is the one! I did find out that there was a poodle on the property, so I am positive he is a dood! It is so great! I don't know how I will be able to work tomorrow.
You should find also that the GR will be very helpful in training the new member of the family. Every time he goes out, take the puppy with him and it should work for training. I have not had to train my last three dogs because the older dog did it for us. Just don't let the puppy wander around in the house on his own until he is trained. Good luck. It is so much fun having a new puppy in the household.
Congratulations on the new addition to your family! You're going to love having a doodle!
Welcome Fozzy Bear to DoodleKisses. Your mamma is soo lucky to have you. You be a good boy tonight!! AND you are a real cutie
Congratulations he is soooo handsome!!!
What a cutie-pie!! Congrats!!
His smile is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!
Isn't he a doll!!! Congrats
What a Perfect Name! He looks like a fun loving,good times rolls kind of doodle! Fozzy all the way.
If we are taking bets on the kids I put $5 on 6. lol
fozzy bear is sooooooooooo cute!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!! i have 3 more days till i get my labradoodle Charly!!!!!!! i love that 2nd pic.. it lools like he's smiling!!!! so happy!



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