I feel like Gavin and his breeder-mates (?) are the only Goldendoodles that I have heard of that have a Poodle for a mother and a Golden Retreiver for a father. Why is this? Is there a difference? Maybe it is more common than I think. Thoughts?
I know I know I know..... but it is just an excuse to use this old picture again
FYI BruceGirl.... a long time ago we had a deep discussion on genetics and we came up with marbles. Sorry, it makes me silly every time. So the moral of the story. My father was a jokey kind of guy but did not raise me. My mother was conservative and serious--she raised me. Genetically, I inherited my fathers silliness and his looks. Or you could say I lost my marbles. :)
Darwin's mother was a Golden Retriever, and his dad was a Standard poodle. I don't know if it makes a difference. It seems like it might be easier for a breeder to have more Goldens than Poodles, because they require less grooming. And many breeders have more females than males... so...
All I know is my two's mom was the GR and the dad was as standard poodle. I ended up with a horse! Hunter's last vet visit had him weighing in at 87 lbs and he is NOT done growing. Daisy is only 67, but they just turned 1!
I think it depends on what mix you're doing....F1, F2, F1B's and so on. The mother should be the larger of the two so that the pregnancy isn't complicated.