Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This is a short video about a fmaily who foolishly went too far in a paddleboat in the San Francisco bay and had to be rescued when the riptide started carrying them and their "poodle" out to sea. At about 1 minute in, they show the dog in a life preserver--the only one in the boat with one on!! I think it is a doodle--a mini-doodle--hard to say, i guess, but wanted some of you who are curious and have time on your hands to give me your opinion.

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I'd vote doodle :)

I'd say a doodle too.  Or a poodle who did not have his tail docked, which is more common these days.  Not a smart thing to do, especially with no life preservers.  A paddle boat under the Golden Gate Bridge?? Definitely tourists, but there were people from San Francisco with them.  They should definitely know better!

It's definitely not a poodle, at least not one from any kind of reputable breeder.

Looks doodley to me... and a cute one, too!

My vote is doodle!  I was glad to see that they thought enough of their dog to have a life preserver on it, even if they were stupid about themselves.  What were they thinking??????

Looks like a doodle!

Looks like a doodle. What foolhardy people.

Looks like a Doodle to me. Could it be a puppy?

Doodle! It's funnny because I was just about to post a "Is it a doodle" discussion myself. 

This home insurance website has a picture of what I think is a doodle that looks just like Stuart. I think it's a sign I should go with them...

Yup--that is a doodle in that insurance ad, isn't it?! As a matter of fact, doodles are showing up in ads everywhere!  We are all lucky to actually OWN (and enjoy the complany of ) the coolest type of dog ever!

I vote Doodle and a lucky one at that !!!!



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