Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Good evening everyone,

I know I'm relatively new to this site and I really enjoy reading your posts and the over abundance of information available here. Along the way I have befriended a few of you. One of you who also works in healthcare, a nurse, has had too much to deal with in your life.

I came home from my workday and was scrolling thru my FB feed this evening. I came across Prayers for Jennifer (a.k.a. Jennifer and Jack). Jennifer's mother posted to please continue to pray for Jennifer. She sustained a stroke and early intervention is what is believed to have saved her life. 

Please pray for Jennifer and Jack. Pray for strength to recover; pray for strength of heart and determination to overcome the challenges she will face great and small in the coming weeks. Pray for wellness and for every breath she takes.. Pray for Jack. 


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So sorry to hear of the set back.  Prayers, love and hugs for Jennifer and her family.

As I stated in my post, I don't know Jennifer personally, as I met her here. I thought all of you who have known her and shared many experiences in a matter of speaking together, would want to know. While I believe in medicine and science, I also believe in the power of faith and prayer.

I just checked my FB feed before going to bed and I tell you what, SHE IS A FIGHTER!!!!!!! She posted about a half an hour ago.It was a mini stroke, she will pull thru this.

We are continuing to keep her and her family in our prayers as well.

Thanks so much for the update! Would appreciate any info you get! Please give her my well wishes.

Oh dear--poor Jen has had so many health issues and now this--such a lovely person to have to bear so many trials--will be hoping that she comes through and feels better soon.

Jennifer's FB post...

I don't have a computer but please don't worry I am almost completely resolved back from being unable to speak well or walk and I am not drooping to the left anymore...I still don't remember much...I am so grateful for friends that don't quit.. f2f or a God who provides....will write more soon don't worry love you all so every comment. ...s few times cause my memory stinks.... Coxo thanks for your love. ..we together got this..

Sharing, because I know we're all very concerned for her.  She's a warrior.

Thanks Cheryl, for sharing!

May her inner strength get her through this, and be yet another obstacle she overcomes

Sending healing thoughts and some big hugs to Jennifer!  Keep fighting! 

So very sorry to hear of this.  Prayers for Jennifer, her family and Jack.

Thanks for posting this!  She is one of a kind and has great courage!  Prayers for healing Jennifer and that He will sustain you during this time.

Melissa ~ thank you for posting this.  I am so sorry to hear Jennifer is struggling.  Praying for wellness for our dear DK friend. 

I am so sorry to hear this.  Sending positive thoughts and prayers for Jennifer's recovery.



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