Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi there,

We just got an F1 golden doodle and we are wondering what he will look like later. Or have some predictions. A lot of people say he is really straight or looks like a retriever.
I've looked at a lot of pictures on Instagram of puppies and quite a few seem to look like him and their hair changes as they get older. I'd love some opinions though?

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Hi, Kelsey. You might find this thread helpful:

(Don't let the title fool you) :O)

Findley is such a cutie!

Thank you Barbie!
I did find that useful. I think he will at least have some shag to him ☺️
More photos attached
Awww, adorable! I think he will be shaggy and doodly for sure :)
He will def have facial furnishing.

He is a cutie tho.
Thank you!
What does having facial furnishings mean exactly? I'm reading all of this but am still a little confused!

From the Encyclopedia of K9 Terminology

Furnishings. Feathering. Furnishing generally includes hair that form a mustache, beard, eyebrows and, in some cases, hair that forms leg furnishings.

Thank you!!!

Sorry about that I forget that not everyone speaks fluent doodle, lol.

No problem at all!
I'm a new doodle owner. Have had golden retrievers in the past, so this is all new to me ☺️

Your puppy is adorable. Here are his photos, which will make it easier for everyone to see and comment. 

Thank you! I couldn't figure it out on my cell phone ☺️



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