Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We're a month away from getting our little guy. We find out in 3 weeks which pup we'll be getting, we can't wait! I've done many searches and read many threads on the board but was hoping for some additional input about our situation! (sorry if this gets long!)
-Day one! We'll be driving 9 hours to get our dog. We have family (sister/parents) at the half way point. We wanted our little guy to meet the family dogs (Lab and Husky). Both dogs are up on their shots and have their own, secure yards. Since day 1 will be a long one, I'm strongly considering staying the first night with our family. We'll sleep next to the pup (which will be in a crate) and be ready for bathroom breaks. I will monitor our pup to make sure he doesn't eat anything new or get into anything.
--Sister-in-law has even offered to have their dog in their room at night if it'll help our dog fall asleep. It's important to me that our dog gets a warm welcome from other family dogs, thought this could be a good and healthy socializing opportunity. Thoughts?
-Bathroom breaks and staying healthy! I'm strongly considering packing up pee pads to use on our trip back from the breeder. I do not want to risk our pup getting sick. We would stop in spots that seem far from other dog areas- and set down a pee pad (and possible wood chips- our breeder uses them to train for bathroom breaks). Any advice on this would be helpful!
Socializing.. I really have read a lot of threads about this. I promise! Our situation.. we're getting our pup at 7 weeks. I tried to talk the breeder into 8 weeks but she insists the pups will be ready to go home. Trust me, I too know that 8 weeks is best. Our breeder is reputable and this is the only area that disappointed me. So.. with that.. I want to do the best job we can to turn our dog into a well balanced, happy pet. But I'm struggling with sacrificing risking his health for socialization. A good friend lives in town with her dog- a great opportunity for play dates.
--I also want to take our dog to the farmer's market. I would hold him at all times. Is this okay? Can I take him out in public to experience new smells, sights, sounds, and people? Is this too risky? I wouldn't allow contact with other pets- but are stranger's hands okay or not?
And lastly- We're currently renting an apartment as we've just moved to a new city. We're building a home which will be ready in mid November (wish we were in it now!). Our apartment complex is dog friendly. There is a grassy 'court-yard' like area sandwiched between our building and the one behind. Every bathroom break would involve me carrying him outside and plopping him down on his spot- no roaming. We do have a deck and I've considered using pee pads but really didn't want to get him onto those. I feel like our situation is interesting. In a few months, I can open the sliding door and he can scamper out to the backyard. But what should we do in the interim?
--How do I let our pup out to the bathroom and not put his health at risk?
I can't thank you enough for reading my endless questions :) I just want to start off on the right foot and do everything we can for our pup. I've read many of these topics on here, but I guess I haven't decided for sure on some of our issues. Again, thank you!
This is great, I really hope I can find something like this in our area! I'm going to ask a thousand questions that first vet visit - and this will be one of them :)
One other thing that you might check Amy is to check with your Vet on the incidence of Parvo in your area. Obviously if he/she says it is extremely high then you know you have to be extra careful.
Quincy's first interaction with other pups in a group was at the end of each puppy kindergarten class. the instructor separated the more timid pups from the more assertive and also interrupted and separated if things got too spirited. she also taught us the signs of what was play and what was potentially trouble. I liked that, since I had no idea whether the growling, barking, chasing was fun or trouble!
We only had an hour drive and I held Quincy. He tossed his cookies, but was fine in the backseat with me and a towel. it was summer, and I sat out with him the rest of the week, so potty training was easy. You will find your routine, just stick to it.
So exciting for you. I am impressed with all your preparation. Post pictures once you know which of those adorable pups will be yours!
Good Point, Lori. I'll definitely do some research to make sure that the boys are having fun and our little guy isn't afraid. We definitely want it to be a good experience, not something that stresses him. I might introduce him to one dog at a time to limit the chaos :)
And yes, we plan on having towels and a garbage bag in case he gets sick! I do feel fortunate that I'll be home with him and get settled into a routine.
And don't worry, there will be loads of pictures once we find out who he is! Thanks for the response!
We had an 8 hour drive to get ours. We stopped along the way every 2 1/2 to 3 hours for a short walk and pee break. I took pee pads with me thinking that I would use them in the back of our van rather than putting Casey on the ground - but he took one look at those and decided that was something to tear up - not to pee on. So that was a bust!! But just about as soon as those wee pads hit the ground, he peed. GOOD BOY!
We brought him home to meet his 4 dachshund siblings. We took them outside, so everyone meet in the front yard. They were all about the same size, so he didn't have a huge size discrepancy to deal with. But of course, they barked at him like crazy. I sat on the ground and held him in my lap while they all eventually came up to him and nosed him enough to know that he was OK. When we all came into the house together you could just about see them rolling their eyes thinking - OMG - he's gonna stay!!
In addition to having several sibs, we also have lots of people coming in and out of our house. My mother lives with us and she has a sitter daily. My daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughters come by frequently, along with a physical therapist a couple time a week for my mother - - - so they have exposure to a lot a different people.
My guys were actually 9 weeks old and had already had 2 sets of puppy shots when we got them, so felt OK about socializing them with other dogs and people. Of course, all my doxies were up to date on all of their shots.
Good luck with your new baby. They are SO much fun - until it rains which it has been doing here on a daily basis. They LOVE the rain, and LOVE to run around and play in the rain and mud. :)
Thanks for the response, Joyce! I'm always happy to hear of another 'success' story from someone who had to drive a ways with their pup.
Maybe we'll have them meet individually in the front yard- I like this idea and I've read it before. If the world were perfect, I'd have them meet on mutual ground- but I've gotta be careful not to be crazy doodle lady with my in-laws so fast, ha!
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