Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Amy & Albee
  • Female
  • Omaha, NE
  • United States
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Amy & Albee's Friends

  • Valerie Bielski
  • Adrienne
  • Ang K
  • Lori, Quincy & Frankie
  • Heidi & Milton
  • Joanna, Zoe & Bender
  • J and Riley (and Luna)
  • William
  • Laurie, Fudge, and Vern
  • Kemp Rader
  • Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle

Amy & Albee's Discussions

Calling all homeowners..

Started this discussion. Last reply by Robin and Libby Louise Nov 26, 2013. 61 Replies

Well, in exactly two weeks, our little family of three will be moving into our first home! We keep telling Albee what this means for him, and clearly he has no idea that apartment life is about to…Continue

First trip to the groomers!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ang K Sep 29, 2013. 25 Replies

I just dropped off our little guy - it was hard leaving him!!I spent 5-10 minutes chatting with the groomer as she played with him. We're just going a sanitary cut, ear cleaning (and plucking), nail…Continue

Silly puppy or hip problems?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Amy & Albee Sep 10, 2013. 5 Replies

Albee is 9.5 weeks now.. We just got back from a visit to the vet for a set of shots. I moved the appointment up from tomorrow because I was a little concerned about his hind leg.Today when I got…Continue

Preparing for our pup! Need advice!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lonnie & Libby Lu Jul 29, 2013. 18 Replies

We're a month away from getting our little guy. We find out in 3 weeks which pup we'll be getting, we can't wait! I've done many searches and read many threads on the board but was hoping for some…Continue

Tags: health, trip, socializing

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Amy & Albee's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
My husband and I are enjoying life with our bundle of energy, Albee! We're in a new city, I've decided to go back to school, and we're getting ready to move into our first home!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Albee is a male North American Retriever. His mom is a Labradoodle and his dad is a Goldendoodle.
He is pretty spunky and is a quick learner. We're up to the challenge!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We've spent quite a bit of time researching doodles and we feel their temperament, energy level, coat (and cuteness) is a perfect fit for us!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Playing fetch at the local parks, going to new places, taking Albee to home improvement stores (as we look for things for our home), naps, and cuddling!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
A professional groomer, although I'd like to try it sometime!
Favorite Doodle Products?
*Mingo the Flamingo - stuffless animal from West Paw Design
*Quencher portable bowl from Ruffwear
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

Amy & Albee's Photos

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Amy & Albee's Blog

Albee is gaining some groupies!

Posted on August 29, 2013 at 2:03pm 8 Comments

Albee had his first puppy checkup visit at the vet yesterday. The vet tech stepped out with him to weigh him and when she came back in, she told me they snapped a photo of him and asked if they could post it on FaceBook! Sure, why not! The little guy has 8 likes and 4 comments about him and his cuteness :) 

I've made a couple of drive thru stops at…


We got Hitched

Posted on September 25, 2012 at 7:01am 22 Comments

Well.. The first step for us is getting a Doodle is moving out of our cozy apartment and into a larger space. Before the financial burden of moving can happen, we had planned to get married. So the way I look at it, we're one step closer to getting our beloved Doodle! 

We got married this past weekend in my hometown, outside on a golf course. The weather was perfect and we couldn't ask for anything more to complete our day... Except a Doodle. 

I thought a dog…


Where's the Doodle?

Posted on August 15, 2012 at 12:19pm 20 Comments

I'm bummed that I don't have stories to share or pictures to upload of my Doodle- which is because we don't yet have a Doodle :)

I joined this forum to learn more about the breed and prepare myself for when getting our Doodle is a reality! 

I'm currently wedding planning (under 6 weeks!) and continue to look for jobs as we settle into a new…


Veterinary Tech Interview

Posted on July 10, 2012 at 12:39pm 13 Comments

Hello All! 

I've enjoyed my time looking through photos and reading stories on Doodlekisses. My Fiancé and I plan on getting a Goldendoodle once we move into a home (can't wait for the extra space!). But until then, I have learned quite a bit about the breed and love hearing about everyone's dogs!

We've recently moved for my Fiance's job. I've been at a stand still in my job hunt- trying to figure out what I want to take on as a new career. Well, I think I may have…


Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 9:11pm on September 23, 2013, Adina P said…

Thank you Amy :-)

At 11:53am on July 26, 2013, J and Riley (and Luna) said…


Since you have other dogs and kids already I think your pup will have an easier time than Luna adjusting to new things.  Luna is an only dog and we didn't have kids when she was a puppy, so she was used to a VERY quiet house.  Loud noises and fast-moving things in general tend to freak her out a bit.

At 4:14pm on April 28, 2013, Heidi & Milton said…

Hi Amy!

I was a little late on the friend acceptance, but thank you for reading about Milton!  I love writing about him.  Congrats on your soon-to-be puppy -- that is super exciting!  Let me know if you have any questions about anything.  You are going to fall in love!

At 9:38pm on May 21, 2012, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

Good luck - I hope you find that doodle of your dreams.

At 9:22pm on May 17, 2012, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Welcome! This is a great place to learn about doodles. There are many groups that you can join. For example, there are groups for grooming, nutrition, health/medical, types of doodles, puppy groups etc. Look at the top of your page and click on Groups - check them out. Enjoy happy spring

At 7:40pm on May 15, 2012, Julie, Izzie & Max said…

At 2:29pm on May 15, 2012, Kemp Rader said…

Hello Amy,

Thank you for joining us here on DoodleKisses!! If you love doodles, you've come to the right place. This is a great site for doodle lovers....the community members are very friendly and we love to talk about all things related to doodles. I'm sure you will discover many informative discussions, specific interest groups and frequent fun contests here at DoodleKisses.

Adina (DK's creator) and the rest of the Doodle Kisses Community are a fun and supportive group. I know you'll enjoy the website & getting to know everyone as much as I do. Welcome!!

Kemp (and my four doodles)
Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver and Truman
Pataskala, Ohio

At 10:46am on May 15, 2012, Amy, Cubbie & Ollie said…



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