People might want to send their phone #s, email addresses or any personal
information privately to a group leader, friend or whomever rather than
posting it publicly in a group, blog or discussion. It not only appears
there but on the main page as well. All in all not something that seems
prudent. (BTW, I have a son constantly reminding me you all might not exist. I'm not sure if he thinks I exist, which, I guess might mean he doesn't ) I had originally started this as a blog but at the request of OFL (Our
Fearless Leader) I have moved it here.
After a certain amount of time you can no longer edit or delete your post. My comment is not only meant for DoodleKisses but for all communications in cyber space.
If you START the forum post then you can edit into eternity. But if your post is only a response in the forum, you only have 15 minutes to edit it. If you wrote a lot of stuff ... you'll either have to leave it up after that time or delete it in its entirety. In comments on blogs you cannot edit only delete.
I think this is VERY important and I may bring it up in the next Sunday email. I see people putting down their telephone and regular email and I always cringe. Some people really don't care who has their email...but sometimes I think people think the website is private so that only members see this stuff. Not so. ANYONE looking on can see it unless it is done privately or in a private group.
And to be the voice of caution, even if only members could see private information that's >6,000 people. I think phone numbers/ addresses etc. should be shared with people you trust!
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear, it is there any sound.......?
We do exist. Maybe not in the attractive forms we present. Our doodles are older, fatter and poorer but.....hey, it is the internet.
yep - the internet is public and FOREVER. If something is posted for 5 minutes and then taken down, it can be found again. It's a blessing and a curse. I will NEVER stop being thankful that I went through high school and college before there were cameras and video phones and youtube.