Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I am so sorry to hear about Buddy. Owen and I send lots of Doodlekisses. Just wanted to mention that my Owen was attacked in January 2014 at a dog park that we frequented. Since then he started showing signs of aggression towards strange dogs. He is now enrolled in private training to help him get over the fear of strange dogs. Owen is a love bug and used to love all dogs but now he attacks them to let them know he is no pushover. We hope he will be resocialized in the next 4 to 6 weeks. We miss taking him to the beach and out to lunch/dinner with us. Just wanted to mention this, in case you see a change in his behavior.
sorry for the graphic images,, but this is Midas at 4 months when our neighbors pitbull came running off their lawn, off leash and attacked Midas, I wasn't with him but my husband was and my husband quickly picked midas up, but the dog got his hind anyways, there is 2 punctures and a tear, thank god my husband was there, he is 6'1 so was able to hold midas high and safe him from further attack, if it were me im 5'1 I could never have held midas high enough to protect him or myself.. they ended up doing stitches on the tear (they wanted to so staples but he had eaten lunch so they couldn't put him under) they left the puncture wounds and I had to clean them with a wash I believe on a cotton ball...I kept it very clean cleaning it after he came in from outside every time. I also had him wear a cone.. he healed perfect.. he is now 2 1/2he got a hair cut last weekend and I noticed he does have a scar from where the tear was but don't see anything from the punctures.. needless to say he is fine now but it def was scary... the owners of the pit did pay the vet bills, but he got out a second time while my sister was brining her dogs over (toy poodle, Lhasa apso and standard poodle) as they were getting out of the car to come into my house the pit came running over again.. this time my husband was ready and he actually kicked the dog,and he ran back home, if he had gotten a hold of my moms toy poodle he would have been history..cant take stupid people!!!! anyways hope this puts ur mind at ease that he healed well... if u have any more questions u can message me.. good luck and feel better to ur baby!
No advice here but I'm so, so sorry that this happened to Buddy. Wishing him a speedy recovery!
Iam so sorry this happened to you and Buddy. I don't have any experience to help you with, but wanted to send pawsitive thoughts for a complete recovery.
I'm so sorry Buddy was injured but I just wanted to add my two cents on the drain issue. That does look nasty but an open wound doesn't need a drain as the drain or wick is only really used to keep a wound open so that it can drain. I hope Buddy's wound heal quickly.
Jen, I'm so sorry this happened to Buddy and he looks so sad laying on the couch. The whole event must have scared you and Buddy so much! I can't even imagine. When I walk Libby alone that is always a fear of mine! Prayers, love and fast healing to Buddy!
I'm so sorry to hear about Buddy, sending thoughts for speedy recovery.
Good luck with the surgery, I hope Buddy does well.
You have legal recourse with the owner of the other dog, and I hope you pursue this. I also hope you reported the attack.
Hugs to you & to Buddy.
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