Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


I am new to the site and I am looking for some help with my son's new puppy! He is whinning day and night and last night I didn't as much as get a wink in! I fed him, watered him, walked him at 2:00 am and again at 4:00 am and still.....nothing calmed him! "Shadow" will be 6 weeks old on Wed. I have placed his crate in the bedroom with me. I have bought him lots of toys! He has been chewing on everything! I had a friend tell me to place a warm water bottle in a blanket in his crate and a clock. I am sure that a lot of this is seperation anxiety from his mother, yet ....even a pup needs sleep! lol. My son is 15 and has autism, this is what led us to getting "Shadow' a companion for my son. I am looking to get him trained for my son's specific needs. Until then......we are trying to make the best of the sleep-less puppy nights! Thanks!

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yikes! where did you get your puppy? unfortunately the puppy was given to you waaay too young!. it still needs to be with it's mom until it's at least 8 weeks old!. that's most likely the reason you are having such issues. the person you got him from is a very irresponsible person!
Yes, your puppy is VERY young so please know that it will take a WHILE for a puppy this age to sleep through the night...nothing but patience for a couple of weeks will help. Honesty not sure of the best solution...maybe a breeder on here will have a better idea of what to do with a pup this young.
I bought his puppy through a breeder.....she didn't want to let me take him home...I paid her in full and she was only asking for a deposit. My son has autism and there is an amazing story behind how they chose one another and to be honest...he was smiling like I'd never seen begged her!!! We do no have any other dogs/ cats , just 2 snails and a Beta! I am wondering if he is still needing milk and although..he eats regular puppy food and LOT'S OF WATER.....Would it hurt to give him a puppy formula supplement? Is this even a ligit concern? Thanks!
Regular puppy food should be sure to feed him 3-4 times per day.

But there is some CRITICAL doggy social skills that puppies NEED to learn from their mothers and littermates to be outstanding pets. Now this does NOT mean that your puppy can't develop good social skills but since you have no other dogs and he's missing out on dog-dog interaction at this early age, be SURE to do plenty of socialization around safe, vaccinated, well-behaved dogs once he has another set of vaccines.

Now that he's in your home you can't go back...but you can take extra care to help him understand how dogs's really really important so that he's not frightened of dogs AND so that he knows how to be polite around other dogs and doesn't feel threatened or intimidated.
He has also been whinnig during they day? Not as bad....but I have had 3 dogs in the past and had all 3 from had to be bottle fed every 2 hours and was sickly......guess this is just unusual for me..being that none of my other pets did this.....If ya called my house....ya'd only hear the pup! lol....He is fine as long as he is outside playing ball with my son and I. However, we cannot stay outside all night playing ball! I also tried covering his crate, as I am a nursing student and stay up late to I thought maybe the light was an issue...NOPE! By the time I was ready to go to bed.....Shadow was even louder! Thanks for the help gals! How do I get in touch with one of the breeders on the site?
I'm sure some of the breeders will see this post when they log on...otherwise many of them are listed in the labradoodle puppies for sale group and the goldendoodle puppies for sale group---just look to see who has pups for sale and contact one or some of them.
This is a touch one, when I got my pup he was almost 20 weeks old, he only had very brief periods of whining. Several people recommended that I get a Snuggle Puppy, which has a simulated heart beat and a warming pocket - to give the puppy the sensation that it is still close to its mother. Fortunately, my pup stopped any whining before I got around to getting the SNuggle Puppy for him.

I do hope all goes well for you, your son, and the puppy - you certainly don't need the added stress of worrying about the puppy.

hmm. i'm not really sure what to say. it's great that your son had such a good reaction but the puppy really should be with it's mom right now. you are doing it a disservice in my opinion taking it home this early (and yourself!). if there is any way that the breeder will take the puppy back for a few more weeks it would really benefit him and in the end, you and your son as well since the puppy will learn those important skills with it's mom and siblings.
Thanks Connie! I know..but my son's worth it! He's happy :) I had never heard of the Snuggle puppy! I will google this! I think it is better than a ticking clock and a warm water bottle! This is a nice site and fast replies! thanks again!
Ann is a breeder =)
I second the vet recommendation if puppy has not been yet...always good to get puppy checked out within a few days of getting puppy from breeder.
This is my first Lab...and my sister has had 2 Labs and is also buying her Lab puppy on Sat. from the same breeder. I looked at the puppy stages and that explained a lot! My puppy was the leader of the pack! He was up and about and wagging his tail, putting his paws out to shake our hands! Then he would run down the kennel and do a happy dance! All the other puppies were laying around lumped together! When my son was holding Shadow, his mother came up to him (my son was sitting on the ground) and she went to pick her pup up and then put him down and licked my son from his neck all the way up to his cheek and walked off ! Guess we had her blessings! I will take Shadow to the vet tomm....I really wanted the same one that had checked her litter out but at this point....any will make sure he's ok! Thanks again! Ya'll have a good night!



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