Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I'm looking to get a goldendoodle over the summer before I start my new job. I'm getting married in September and want to surprise my fiancee with a doodle as sort of a wedding gift. We've always wanted a dog but just haven't been able to get one until now.
Both of us will be working, and while I want a Goldendoodle, I don't want to be unfair to it if it's going to be seriously affected by our absence during the day.
So for you owners, mind answering a few questions for me?
For the most part I think that aside from the time away from home issue, we'll be able to provide the right environment for the dog.
It's killing us that apartment life and work life seems to interfere with having a four legged companion, so it'd be great to hear from some owners.
I don't board, but not because I'm against it. I am not even against kenneling. But our set-up is less expensive and mostly SO much easier on all involved. We leave our dogs at home and have a friend stop by 4 times a day with the last stop being a couple hours (he watches DVDs/Netflix and the dogs play).
If I were to board I'd want to be sure their normal schedules were considered, they were given adequate time to potty, a little play time and I'd be happy. I don't need anything fancy as long as it is sanitary and clean and they weren't encouraged to practice bad habits, I'd be okay with it.
We are students, have jobs and live in an apartment. Honestly I think that if you are dedicated to spending the time and effort to raise your dog, you will do great. Make a commitment to exercise, groom, and spend the amount of time necessary to be a good dog owner. It may not be the ideal situation to live in an apartment, I know some people would never consider it. But it's worked wonderfully for us. :-)
The first 3 responses are great. Just wanted to add that my husband and I work full time, have from the beginning. Until Saturday, we lived in a condo and be prepared that it is a pain walking them in the rain, etc...but it is totally doable!
My tidbit of advice: for the first 2 or so years, you simply MUST have someone take the dog out during lunchtime. My husband and I have rotated lunch duty since day one. Now we don't go home every day; however, they get a 6am long walk every day to tire them out and we come STRAIGHT home from work every night to walk them and give them exercise. Also do daycare once or twice a week. We do not do anything on Friday nights with friends now (away from our house) unless we have had 2-3 hours at home with dogs before. They need to have love and care.
I have a mini goldendoodle (f1) and she doesn't shed but that is RARE for first generation doodles. She is 25 pounds.
Be prepared to shell out $1500-$2500 for a good doodle from a quality breeder.....and as an fyi, their grooming costs are expensive.
I highly recommend formal obedience training. I have spent over $500 in training my Peri and it is paying off.
At 2 years old, she just now earned my trust to stay out in the house while we are gone. She is a chewer!
We live in a smaller house They were being left alone about 9 hours or so and were crated until recently (they are 3 & 4 now)We have mini goldendoodles 32# and 19# They LOVE to run around, they need a few walks a day My older one NEVER barked until the second one came along-they sit in the window and bark at people, but we also live directly in front of a gas station so there's a lot to watch. We also leave the radio on so they don't hear every little thing.
We had NO problems with potty training, they are very smart-we put a bell on the door and said potty everytime we went out and we rang it, eventually they started ringing on their own. We had a handful of accidents, but every dog is different.
We bought our first from a pet store not knowing what a goldendoodle was before then the second I found on Pet Finder, she was a runt with an underbite and needed a home The younger one sheds a bit You could get a dog walker or doggy daycare if you are cincerned about the being alone. I wish we would have put them in daycare instead of the crate at least a couple days a week. Good luck-if it's right for you to get a dog, they are an awesome breed.
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