Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Can anyone tell me what they think the hair will be like on my 11 week puppy? I am worried about his hair. It is thin and whispy, not real fluffy. Will it fill out? He is an F1b. The breeder told me it would probably be 4 inches but I am worried about it being flat and not fluffy. Can anyone look and tell me their thoughts!

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My pup Brewster is almost 5 months now and his coat is still pretty wispy. He's an f1b too. When it gets wet, it's a little more curly, but overall it's only slightly wavy and a little longer than when we first got him. He's also got a tan haircoat stripe down his back and tail. I'm wondering how it will be when he blows his puppy coat, since I've heard it can change. Here's some pics to compare:

By the way, your pup is just adorable! Love his coloring!
Wow, I didn't realize that last pic was so big! Sorry! :)
He is cute! I was just hoping mine would thicken up some and be a little fluffy!
First off, LOVE the parti!!! One of my labradodoles has a 4 inch coat and had significantly shorter hair at that age. I would suspect it will grow longer, but it may not get curly, it may end up more sheep-dogish, like these, they are both the shorter, less curly of my last litter of F1b's:

About what age did it start to get longer and thicken up? Your doodles are adorable. I will be happy if mine look like that!
I have a friend who has a "wispy" doodle--sorry, i have no pictures--but her dog is now 11/2 yrs and is still wispy--I think that is a great look, but i realize that some people think that all doodles will have curls and lots of them. In reality, they really vary. My two doodles have completely different coats.
Not until 5-6 months old.



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