Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

At the vet today. They had signs up that they were offering vaccines for Rattle Snake bites.. I was totally confused because I had no idea they even lived in SC.. heebie jeevies.. bleck....

I guess they had a few patients who have had dogs bit by one... They said the main problem with snake bites here is  Copper Heads.. I already knew that because my neighbors dog that lived outside was bit by one and since no one saw him suffering outside alone, they found him dead the next day.

The vet said the vaccine would help protect against Copper head bites.. I am not thinking I need it for here but at moms house which is very close to Georgia and where the dogs play in the park... There has been a lot of snake problems....

When I did the search on here I saw from 2010 some people talking about it but not a whole lot, Has anyone gotten their dog this shot?


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Yuck, snakes. I've seen signs warning against rattle snakes posted at our trail, but I have never seen one so far and I hope it stays that way.

Boy, am I glad this is one thing I don't have to worry about! I never even heard of a snake bite vaccine.

I am really beginning to think that you need to find another vet, Jennifer. After all that yesterday with the full work-up for a little patch of darker hair, it seems like maybe they are just trying to sell you every single thing they can think of to make some $.

With all these different issues you have expressed concern about with Jack, Addison's disease, and GI problems, and heart rates, stress issues, and thyroid, and I forget what all, I am surprised that the vet would suggest introducing another vaccine, especially since you've been understandably hesitant about giving vaccines and said you were titering instead of giving the core vaccines, so the vet should know that.

I guess you should weigh the beneifts against the risks. I don;t know anything about possible side-effects of this vaccine or how effective it is, which you would need to know to make an informed decision. And then you need to realistically assess his chances of getting bitten. Has your mom ever seen a snake in the areas where Jack would go?

You know I really am starting to think you are right. I hate to even say that about a vet who has been so nice to me....but seriously , the amount of testing done on him is insane.....every time I go there they find something wrong then they want to sell me a ton of products.

I am going to try to see another partner when I go on a day she is not there. I feel dumb allowing them to do all this testing....even yesterday I knew he was fine.. Yet I listened to them.

Well you live and learn and move on from here!
And I have lived here for six years and only saw a snake once ..I have no idea what kind as I ran so fast ..snakes and alligators are my worst enemy

Jennifer,  I echo Karen's remarks about considering another vet.  I'm not sure I would even stay within the same practice as you mentioned.  Seeing a partner may bring about the same results. (?)    I've always had the feeling that all of the testing that's been done over the past couple of years has been over the top and unnecessary and perhaps playing on your sense of guilt.....and the fact that you have insurance to cover these expensive tests.     As for buying a ton of products.....everything available to purchase in our vet's office is available on Amazon....that's where I buy...using the link from Doodle Kisses.    


Thank you for the encouragement. I am going to find a new vet. I will start looking at other ones. It is hard. I never in my life had a pet apart from advice on here and my vet...i am clueless. I feel stupid because I believe everything hook, line and sinker and really I should know's the crazy amount of love I have for Jack that makes me allow them to o anything they want just in case.....I always have a hard time believing someone would take advantage is someone else it baffles me.

Thanks again....I think our lives will be way more peaceful this way...

Snake bite vaccine, really? In this case, since Jack is never out of yours or your Mom's sight I really don't think this is something you should consider. In the case he was ever bitten you would see it happen and could take him immediately for care.

There have been a couple of time when you said something about your Vet that I was pondering if she was taking advantage of you and Jacks relationship. I know she has been very kind and stepped out of the "normal" Vet relationship at times but I do think all the testing Jack has may be over the top a little.

Just my two cents...hope it's worth something.


     I enrolled Holly in a rattlesnake avoidance class.  The principle of this training was to let Holly express interest in the snake while wearing a shocker collar.  Then when she closed with the snake, she would get a stimulus with the shocker collar.  Identifying the stimulus as coming from the snake, Holly would then avoid snakes.

     The training did not work as expected.  Holly showed no interest n the snake from the start. In fact, she was afraid of the snake even before she received the stimulus.   The trainer refunded my tuition and said that he could not guarantee it, but Holly seemed like she was going to avoid snakes even without the training.

     I will admit that when it comes to strange things, especially strange moving things, Holly's natural fears overwhelm her curiosity.  I don't really feel afraid that Hollly will encounter a poisonous snake.  She only wanders off lead in our yard which is a fanced acre.  In fifteen years of living in my home, I have only seen one rattlesnake, which I killed, probably twelve years ago.

     I had intended to shoot a video on Holly's reaction to the snake training.  However, there was really nothing to shoot.  Here it is anyway to give you an idea of what rattlesnake avoidance training is like...



No way I am going to watch that, as even a picture of a snake makes my skin crawl, lol. But I have heard of snake avoidance training, and I think some other people here have also done it.

I do think most dogs are freaked out by snakes and the way they move, but not all of them. Tina (of Tina & Clover) has posted a discussion with video about how Clover and her Lab go snake hunting (non-poisonous snakes) and take great delight in throwing the dead snakes at her. Talk about your nightmares, that might be the one thing JD could do that would cause me to rehome him. LOL


I am pretty sure Nancie (and Gracie) took the snake avoidance class. Fudge and Vern would not be re-homed if they threw a snake on me because I would be dead from fright :) Worst nightmare....YIKES!!

Yes, Nancie takes Gracie periodically I think for this training.



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