Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was admitted into the local hospital today...I was supposed to go in last night but I wanted to have last night with Jack. It was the first time we were alone together in So long.

Jack is at my moms...I drove him there and then drove to the hospital to be directly admitted. Fever is up...antibiotic not working...... No real game plan yet.

To say I a, discouraged is a vast understatement. I am wrapped so tight in the blanket from Laurie Fudge and Vern...and I am wishing I could escape this nightmare.

Jack is happy with my mom....he iwas sad when she left yesterday ..I am glad he is safe and happy with her...I tried to put on a brave happy front for him when I dropped him off, he licked me and kissed me a lot but I think it is because he was so happy to be back with my mom.

Please pray for this infection to go .........

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Jennifer, your post brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry you are going through such a scary ordeal. And with such a fever, you probably feel putrid. Of course, I will pray for you.

So sorry to hear that your infection has not gotten better.  I can only imagine how hard it must be but keep looking up and know that you are loved and prayed for by many.

Hold tight to your best self, Jennifer.  Oh course you are down, the high of getting home is over and back to the hospital you go, feeling rotten.  But underneath the letdown and over the fever and all, you are Jennifer. Jack is doing well in your absence which at least does not add to your troubles.  If we could each take one day in that hospital bed for you, I know we would.  You need a vacation from feeling punk.  Thinking kind thoughts and prayers on wings for you.

My prayers continue for you. I can only imagine how disappointed you must be to be back in the hospital. I pray they finally find a cause for this fever and quick cure. Hang in there and stay strong. ((Hugs))

I am sorry to hear your struggles go on and I wish you the best.

Jennifer, I am so sorry your fever is back.  I am glad that you got to spend some snuggle time with Jack. I am sending prayers for a speedy recovery.

Darn it!!  I'd hoped the fever was gone for good!!  Hope that docs there at your local hospital can get to the root of the infection soon!  Will keep you in my prayers!! 

Sorry to hear this news.  Sending good thoughts and a prayer your way.

Prayers for you, as always.  Know that you have a whole DK community standing behind you . . . .I'm glad you got to spend time with Jack.  Now concentrate on getting well!  Doodlekisses, hugs and prayers . . . coming from Ohio!

Sending doodle hugs and prayers your way !!!

Prayers continue.  I will light a candle for you at church tomorrow.

Just reading this today Jennifer. I hope the infection goes soon, you are in my prayers.On the bright side, at least you are in a familiar place with everyone who knows you.

You are in my prayers now and always.



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