Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Does anyone's older/adult doodles, (mine are 7 and 5), still have episodes of ZOOMIES?

I always assumed it was a puppy thing that they grew out of and just when I think Murphy has done just that, he'll jump up like lightning struck and start running around the yard, possessed! It only happens rarely, and only in the evening when he has a zoomie attack. Maybe 3 -4 times a year. 

So do they ever really "grow out" of zoomies or is it once a zoomer, always a zoomer?

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Guinness is still a zoomer.  He zooms whenever I have been out and come home....he just runs around our downstairs in circles as fast as he can.  Murph doesn't really like it when he does he goes after him to put a stop to it.  Other than that they do the "play fighting" thing several times a day.

I would have guessed your Murphy for the crazy zoomer in your house.  I can't imagine my two big dogs having zoomies inside. They'd be sliding into wall and furniture at every turn. (No carpets)

LOL I think that's the "classic" zoom.  Finn used to zoom one big circle again and again, hitting every single room and woe to anyone who got in his way or tried to stop him.  He'd smack right into you going full speed.  I'd wonder who does he THINK is chasing him??????? He needed a Murphy.

Myla has the zoomies every time DH comes home from work - she runs to his truck, he gives her a treat from the truck and then she takes off and runs in circles all over the yard - full board!!!  She does the same thing when our son comes over!!  Just those two - she never does it when I come home - not sure why :(   We had never seen "zoomies" until we got our first doodle, Zak.  We called it her "Zak Attack" and still use that term when Myla does it.  I love it!

How fun that Myla does that for them! Not sure why she doesn't do it for you other than you are home with her more?  Murphy doesn't do it for any one in particular but when he's really excited when we come home, he will run circles around the ottoman with a toy or ball in his mouth and not come to you until he's  done the required OCD number of circles. 

We don't have zoomies but we do have a naughty hour which Riley starts at about 8pm every evening. It's when he goes hunting for stuff he shouldn't have and then runs to me and waves them at me and then runs up and down the house like a mad thing and then finally drops whatever it is.... He regularly opens my wardrobe and removes shoes and clothing or goes to the bathroom and takes a toilet roll, he never chews them just wants us  to  know he is being naughty. The look on his face when he waves the prizes at me are priceless.  We have never stopped him because I guess we just accept it as part of his quirky personality. Boris just stands and watches.. :)

Nickt that is priceless!

AnnaBelle is the queen of zoomies.  I think of her as sort of the lanky teenager that can't quite control her whole body because it has grown so quickly.  She just goes so fast and feet are everywhere.  It is like she can't get rid of the energy quickly enough.  She will ask to go outside and all she will do is run figure 8's in the yard.  Lucy on the other hand does have more of what I call a "spurt" of energy once in awhile and she will take off running from one side of the yard to the other.  But she has never been a real high energy doodle.  I hope they never out grow it.

I hope the same, as it is very entertaining and I can just feel his sense of real joy in running free and careless. It always makes me smile and think my little puppy is still in that adult body.

I hope it never ends too!  Haven't picked up on a pattern for the zoomies.  Just seems to happen.  At times, he will do it inside as well as outside in the yard.

Sometimes we go to the park and put Jaxson on a 30' leash on his harness.  He will run circles while on the leash.  He seems to know exactly the circumference of the circle he can make on the leash.

He runs with such joy!  I love it!

Oh yeah!  Picco is 4 and still has the zoomies at least once a week!  I hope he never stops!

My two still get the zoomies - Hartley will be eight next month and Chase will be seven. I love it when it happens, running for the joy of being able to, it always makes me smile. Sometimes they do it of their own accord, I can make Hartley do it by spraying him with the hose!! Chase gets the wet zoomies - agility trials in the rain are never good with him because he just takes off and zooms around the ring!



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