Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I can't take another Florida summer!  I've been trying to jog a bit in an effort to lose weight (no such luck, now I'm just a fit, fat person) and even going out the door at the crack of dawn leaves me trying to run in 90 degree heat with 85 percent humidity, not an easy task for a chubby almost 55 yr old.  So this Thursday the puppy hauler 2011 is pulling out of the drive way for the 22 hour drive to Michigan.  Thankfully dd lives in Atlanta and we will pit stop there for the weekend before that last 12 hour leg to arrive in Michigan on Monday.   I'm driving the boys up myself - dh will fly to MI a bit later.  Truthfully - he would have rode with us but I am going to have the suv packed to the roof with all the dog beds, toys, food (can't get Orijen in our little town), so I couldn't spare the space - besides - since his job loss - he is with us 100% of the time and I am looking forward to a little me & the boys time.  So cooler weather - here we come - the boys are going to LOVE that!

I have a few concerns though.  We have never been able to get our beachfront condo sold and so that is where we are staying.  I see no issues with Rooney but Stuart is going to provide some challenges.  We are on the 5th floor with balconies off the beach side and the river/town side. 

A baby Stuart last year on the balcony. 

Because our condo is right at the edge of a public park, and a long pier - there are always lots of people walking, having picnics, weddings in the pavilion, etc.  Stuart is a barker watch dog, who feels the need to let me know when anyone or anything is near.  I'm worried that he might cause problems barking.  I hate to leave the a.c. on but I might have to resort to closing the sliders, and the shades so that he can't see the activity. Stuart was only at the condo once before when he was a baby and only for a week.  When I'm in the condo I should be able to quiet him down but I want to be able to leave them while I run, bike or whatever, I'm worried that they'll hear someone in the hallway waiting for the elevator and go nuts - I'll be lurking out there trying to see how they behave, pretending to have left - the neighbors are going think I'm a nut job. 

Rooney on the pier last summer - look at all that water.

Also the river is right there and I will NOT be able to let Stuart get loose as I'm scared to death that he might jump in, that boy loves to swim!  This is a big river with boats coming and going and it is in a channel so once in - unless you can climb a latter there is no way to get out.  I can see the Coast Guard station from my place - they are always scooping people (sometimes dead) out of the river and lake so this is a big concern. 

Any advise from apartment or condo livers would be most welcome!  I see a wonderful summer ahead of fun, family and friends but with some challenges as well.   

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Wave as you drive through Jacksonville...I might be able to see you through all this rain we are having....Safe trip prayers are going out to you and the doods!


Murphy and I visit my good friend at her condo in Orange Beach.  I didn't expect problems from him but he didn't like being left alone and barked. There were also a lot of kids running around headed to the beach. (always noisy)  He alerted to that also.

The next time I visited I brought his portable kennel. This helped when we left him home alone and I shushed him for the other. It got better as he got more comfortable. I also think he just wanted to go to the beach with everyone.

I have a portable kennel, perfect for Rooney but Stuart is so large that I think he could ruin it.  Perhaps I'll shut them in my master bedroom which isn't as close to the front door instead of giving them the entire condo to room while I'm out.  That way I can leave the t.v. on low so as to disguise any hallway noise.  Thanks for the idea!!!  If there is room in the puppy hauler I'll take the dog gate with.

I am getting frustrated all this signing in ^%$^ before I can comment anywhere!  We have an RV and we can easily control the dogs barking at people walking by etc when we are there. It doesn't take long for them to get the idea.  We use cans with coins or rocks and shake them and say NO.  However, we have not mastered the no barking when we leave.  At first we had problems with Gordie's anxiety howling, now Ned and Clancy bark to protect their territory.  I want to strangle all of them.  As for your balcony, perhaps you could put up some temporary lattice or plexiglass or garden fencing to make the barrier higher.  I know that you don't leave them unattended, but that might give you some added security if you are on the balcony with them.

Nancy - Stuart doesn't seem to care if you shake or even throw a can at him - he'll just bark louder - lol.  At home in FL inside our house I can get him to eventually stop but in the condo - I don't want my neighbors to complain  :(   and boy would they complain if I tried to gin up the barrier on the balcony - a big no no in our HOA.  Truely I'm not concerned about them going over the balcony but barking at people down on the beach and the parking lot.  Maybe I could train Stuart to only bark when young ladies in small bikinis walk past - dh would appreciate that!  LOL 

I am sure all our dh's would appreciate it.  The can works for us in the RV  - small space - but not at home because the proximity is to great.  We could throw the cans.... hmmmmm not a totally bad idea :-}   I wondered if the HOAs would prevent the balcony extension, however if you had something easily put up with zip ties and taken down by cutting them, perhaps no one would really notice????

We just made this exact same trip!  We drove up from Orlando to Traverse City, MI for a visit!  The girls are loving the cooler weather up here.  Where is MI are you going?  

Our house in FL backs up to a lake with a walking path around it, so there are always people, dogs, kids, bikes, etc. out there for the girls to see.  Initially, it caused some problems with barking, but they quickly learned to just sit and watch quietly.  I think with a little training they will be fine.  Enjoy your trip up!

I don't want to be a wet blanket,but we have 92 degrees here today. Very very hot here. However Mi weather changes quickly, so we wish you a great vacation,
Shirley and Abby

Shirley - I'm not sure where Hastings is?  You are so right - MI weather can change greatly on the hour!

96 degrees here and the pool is 85  :(

I was born in Benton Harbor, MI - grew up in the Stevensville area (just north of New Buffalo, south of South Haven) and our condo is in Saint Joseph, directly across Lake Michigan from Chicago, about 40 minutes north of South Bend, Indiana.

Jane, Have you tried a citronella collar for the barking?  Nothing I do will stop Camus from barking at anyone who walks by the fence.  He does not bark in the house, when I do leave him home he is in his crate (he has mild separation anxiety and gets a bit destructive when left alone so the crate is the only answer) and does not bark.  If he hears anything outside, when I am home, he charges out the dog door like a crazy dog and starts barking.  Loosing doggie door privileges hasn't worked, nor has any other method worked. The only one he does not bark at is the one year old baby next door, he really likes her.  She puts her hand through the fence and touches him. I'm so thankful he doesn't bark at her, but full grown humans never get a break, even if he knows them. We live in an apartment in a very densely populated area of San Diego.  I'm planning on trying the collar.



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